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Cool New Medical Tool That Can Be Used For PE, And More Good News For PE'ers

Cool New Medical Tool That Can Be Used For PE, And More Good News For PE'ers

Taken From:

Sexual Health & Overall Health
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Aug. 5, 2005


“There’s an incredibly important link between a man’s health and sexual performance.”
Steven Lamm, MD

• Chat Transcript: The Hardness Factor

• WebMD Guide to Erectile Dysfunction

• Mastering the Male Orgasm

(WebMD) As the saying goes, the best measure of a man’s character is the company he keeps. But what about his health? According to Steven Lamm, MD, the best measure of that is his erect penis.

“There’s an incredibly important link between a man’s health and sexual performance,” Lamm, an assistant professor of medicine at New York University, tells WebMD.

Lamm’s recent book, The Hardness Factor, is a flashing neon sign pointing to that link.

It is well known that heart disease, as well as diabetes, depression, obesity, substance abuse, and many other health problems can quash erections. Getting an erection isn’t crude mechanics, like inflating a balloon. It’s a complex process in which blood vessels, muscles, hormones, the nervous system, and the psyche all work together. If one part isn’t working well, it affects the whole apparatus.

This isn’t another book touting Viagra, like Lamm’s The Virility Solution, published in 1998, the same year Viagra hit the market. Lamm says The Hardness Factor is not for men who are already dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED). His aim is to convince young, healthy men to take better care of themselves by speaking to their penises.

“If you want a 28-year-old man to stop smoking, let him read the book,” Lamm says.

Heart Health and Sexual Health

Others in the field of sexual medicine agree that erectile function can be closely related to overall health, especially heart health.

“When men who are otherwise healthy ask what they can do to prevent ED, certainly the very things we recommend for cardiovascular fitness are exactly the same things they should be doing,” Drogo Montague, MD, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells WebMD.

To get erect, the penis must become engorged with blood. Atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty deposits build up inside arteries, may restrict blood flow to the penis and cause erection difficulties. Diets high in fat and cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and smoking are the main causes of atherosclerosis.

“It’s very appealing to say that if you don’t have those unhealthy factors in your lifestyle, then you’re less likely to develop erectile dysfunction,” says Ira Sharlip, MD, a urologist at the University of California, San Francisco.

“There are pretty strong suggestions that those things are true,” he tells WebMD.

Sexual Health & Overall Health
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Aug. 5, 2005


One persuasive piece of evidence appeared in the April 2004 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Between 1972 and 1974, researchers in California surveyed 1,810 men about their risks for heart disease. In 1998, researchers contacted 844 of them who were still alive and asked them about their erectile function. The men who had risk factors for heart disease in the ’70s were much more likely to have ED 25 years later.

If men with heart disease are more likely to develop ED, it stands to reason that having ED could be a warning sign for heart disease, too.

The Erectile Continuum

ED becomes more common as men age, but aging itself is not the cause. “We never expect a healthy man to develop ED as a result of aging alone,” Montague says.

A very healthy octogenarian can have erections. But Montague says even in the fittest men, some changes occur with age. An erection is still possible, but it may take some coaxing.

“As men get older they require direct genital stimulation from their partner or from themselves. A young man can just daydream and get an erection,” he says. “Those changes by themselves, though, don’t prevent performance.”

By definition, having ED means a man cannot get an erection hard enough for penetration or one that lasts long enough for him to reach orgasm. But in Lamm’s opinion, there are shades of gray between normal sexual performance and dysfunction.

“You don’t go from being ‘normal’ to having ED. What you end up having is a transition,” he says.

Usually doctors assess erectile function by the International Index of Erectile Function, a set of five questions such as, “How do you rate your confidence that you could get and keep an erection?” A patient’s answers are scored, and that score determines whether or not he has ED.

Lamm says he thinks a better way to measure erectile function is with a new tool called a rigidometer. A man presses the head of his erect penis against a sensor attached to the digital device, which measures the precise hardness of his penis in grams of pressure. According to the manufacturer, 400 grams is limp; 400-500 is “borderline,” and 500-1,000 is sufficient for sexual activity. A number over 1,000 is considered optimum.

Living a Hard Life

Lamm thinks men want harder erections, even if they don’t have ED. The rigidometer can show a patient objectively how hard his penis is — hard enough for penetration, maybe, but not as hard as it could be. The number might be an incentive for him to improve his overall health in order to make his penis harder.

Having a very hard erection, Lamm says, can enhance a man’s sexual pleasure, or at least boost his self-esteem. Many men are definitely interested in their penis size, and a more fully engorged erection is the only thing shy of surgery that can actually make it bigger.

Sharlip’s experience, however, leads him to doubt that degrees of hardness beyond hard enough matter to most men. “I don’t think it’s important at all,” he says. “As long as it’s hard enough to get it in … I don’t hear patients complaining about rigidity.”

The Hardness Factor details a wellness program that Lamm says will show positive results on a rigidometer in six weeks. It involves exercise, eating healthy meals, sleeping well, and taking vitamins and supplements. The book describes the cases of some patients of Lamm’s New York City practice who followed the six-week program and had good results.

But Lamm stresses that his program is only intended to kick-start a lifelong commitment to healthy living.

“Don’t rely on the restoration of your penis’ health with drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, Cialis,” he says. “Do whatever you can to preserve and enhance its function.”

SOURCES: Steven Lamm, MD, clinical assistant professor, NYU School of Medicine; author, The Hardness Factor. Drogo Montague, MD, director, Center for Sexual Function, The Cleveland Clinic. Ira Sharlip, MD, assistant clinical professor, University of California, San Francisco. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2004. Bandolier Journal, August 2001.

Notice the paragraph above that says…

Lamm says he thinks a better way to measure erectile function is with a new tool called a rigidometer. A man presses the head of his erect penis against a sensor attached to the digital device, which measures the precise hardness of his penis in grams of pressure. According to the manufacturer, 400 grams is limp; 400-500 is “borderline,” and 500-1,000 is sufficient for sexual activity. A number over 1,000 is considered optimum.

This was what I was referring to in the post title about the the new tool that could be possibly used for PE. I mean think about it, it’s perfect. If we could get our hands on one of these rigidometer’s it would greatly help one jelq or do girth excersizes. There would be no more ambiguity with explaining to one another here on just how much a 50% erection is. We could get exact scientific precision while doing PE girth excersizes. I must get my hands on one of these somehow. There is so much we could learn from a bunch of us testing and reporting our finds with a rigidometer.

Also as we can see from the whole article above which just came out today August 5th, 2005, the world is beginning to get closer to understanding PE but it still seems they have a long ways to go before they find out what we already know. Kinda funny really. And the good news is, is it looks like if we get harder erections and bigger girth and longer dicks we are actually improving our health overall and saving ourselvers from many dieseies like heart diesise possibly. PE just keeps getting better and better. :)

And here are some actual links I just found off google that show pics and explain what the Rigidometer as well as some other tool for the tunica apparently (I haven’t looked at it much yet) are and do…

I see what you mean, as there is always doubt in the mind as to wether we are jelqing correctly, or at the optimum. This machine could be used to discover the gold standard of erection hardness needed for PE. However, it does look like it could be expensive, and for it to be of any use a large number of members must own them in order to collect enough data for significant results.

Interesting post LoveMachine.I am 40 years old and have been smoking since my early teens.I know I know! I’ve tried to quit but within a month or two I’m right back at it.I definately think it is causing me problems with my erections.I started taking l-arginine again and it definately helps,and PE has helped as well.It would be cool if we could figure out how to make one of these contraptions to use for our own research.I’m sure to buy one it’s about a billion dollars.Thanks for the very informative read.

I’m curious about this tool.
Rigidometer? How do we get our hands on a rigidometer?

“[Lamm's] aim is to convince young, healthy men to take better care of themselves by speaking to their penises.”

Is he implying that carbon monoxide is good for penises just like in plants?


Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


I see what you mean, as there is always doubt in the mind as to wether we are jelqing correctly, or at the optimum. This machine could be used to discover the gold standard of erection hardness needed for PE. However, it does look like it could be expensive, and for it to be of any use a large number of members must own them in order to collect enough data for significant results.

Your probaly right as to this device costing a lot of money. :( . Maybe someday it will come down in price enough so we can start testing for PE. Keep checking EBAY. :)

8 is enough:

Interesting post LoveMachine.I am 40 years old and have been smoking since my early teens.I know I know! I’ve tried to quit but within a month or two I’m right back at it.I definately think it is causing me problems with my erections.I started taking l-arginine again and it definately helps,and PE has helped as well.It would be cool if we could figure out how to make one of these contraptions to use for our own research.I’m sure to buy one it’s about a billion dollars.Thanks for the very informative read.

I agree it would probaly cost billions of dollars to get one of the bad boys. You have a good idea as to someone who has some electronics expierence getting ahold of this electronic device and reverse engineering it so we can somehow get some simple plans to build the device for ourselves cheaply and easily. I know this is possible coming from a romhacking background where people have totally taken apart all the old video game systems and figured out how they worked in every way to exploit new possibilities.

Also glad to hear you are doing better with the L-Arginine and PE to help you create stronger erections at your age. I’m 24 by next weekend so I don’t really have to worry about that issue yet, but I still go limp from time to time from too much PE and my dick needs a rest :P. I actually find that as a good sign sometimes because it says my dick needs to heal and maybe I’ll get some gains from that healing, just take a few rest days and I’m back to good erection quality. Stay healthy.


I’m curious about this tool.
Rigidometer? How do we get our hands on a rigidometer?

“[Lamm’s] aim is to convince young, healthy men to take better care of themselves by speaking to their penises.”

Is he implying that carbon monoxide is good for penises just like in plants?

Ramrod I don’t really know of a way to get one of these yet other then the ideas I mentioned above but man it would be awesome to own one for PE pourposes.

Maybe he is, who knows? Now I know why they say to sing or talk to your plants to help make them grow, there is a actual scientific explanation for why it works. I quit smoking pot (still smoke it every couple months if I feel like it because it’s around here if I ever need it) about a year or two ago and way back was I was younger in highschool, I had a friend who I would go to house sometimes and he was a grower of pot plants on his farm-like home where we would get stoned and then he would talk to his plants. He said it helps them grow, but never gave the exact reason why. Now I know. :)

Anyone who thinks he has ED can easily borrow a Rigiscan device from his urologist to use at home for awhile to check to see if his nocturnal erections are occuring and how firm they are. The machine registers all this; gives a print out.

But, anybody who thinks he has ED knows from the physiological evidence whether his erections are firm or not during sex, or during PE. We don’t need a billion dollar machine to tell us what is happening or is not happening.

I agree with the rest. The erection process is a very complex one and affected by all sorts of potential physical anomalies as well as psychological states. One should not jump unnecessarily to the conclusion that one has heart disease because erections may fail, because physiologically-caused ED can stem from so many conditions completely unrelated to heart problems.

Stay fit. Get regular physical check ups. If ED should strike, try to figure out first if it is in your head and try to handle that, if it is. When in doubt, see a good doctor with knowledge about erectile function. There are many options out there now for resolving ED.




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