Details of My Hydrocele Surgery
Thought I’d post this in case anyone else has to go through the same experience. I know that at least one of the members here had this a few years ago and gave a brief account of his experience. Since this effects men only and is not a terribly uncommon occurrence I wanted to reassure anyone in a similar situation with some details of what happened to me. I posted all this on another forum so this is just a copy and paste. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ll break it into separate posts as there is a bit here. I can only post in this section so if someone needs to move the thread please do.
A hydrocele is a buildup of watery fluid around the testicles. Sometimes it is just one, other times it is both. The buildup is painless and generally is not dangerous. The scrotum and/or groin will slowly swell. There are two types of hydroceles: a Congenital hydrocele develops at birth while a acquired hydrocele develops later in life. Acquired hydroceles are most common in men over 40, it occurs in 1-2% of men.
Part One:
Had this hydrocele for 6 or 7 years now on the right side. Had no idea what it was but didn’t cause any problems so didn’t get to the doctors until yesterday.
Well, he confirmed it and even had an attempt at drainage.2 different sites but couldn’t get anything out. Was really quite painful. But to be honest it seemed like a very cursory attempt and I think I could have done it better myself. Of course he immediately recommended surgery.
I told him about aspiration followed by sclerotherapy and he was quite fond of the idea. Unfortunately as a GP he said he wouldn’t do it and I should see a urologist and discuss it with him. I told him to write in the referral that due to moderate size (maybe lime sized) and no complications the urologist should consider aspiration and sclero.
So now I’ve got myself a referral to a urologist in a couple of weeks so hoping I can talk him into drainage and sclerotherapy rather than surgery, which I can’t afford anyway. I will be telling him I will not be having surgery and if he doesn’t want to drain it, I will be doing it myself.
I have some 25g needles here and 1ml syringes, I was going to leave the syringe open and just attach a 2ft tube to the end and do a gravity drain like so many here have tried. Not sure if the 25g is big enough, I don’t mind the longer draining time as long as the end result is the same.
Last edited by m0ses : 04-07-2011 at .