Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick&Balls turtle during day but fine at night

I also have this problem. When working or running around quickly from place to place I find that I turtle up. For myself, I believe it is a stress response. As soon as Iā€™m home and watching tv or lying in bed it relaxes back to a non-turtled state. Recently, I have switched to Saxx underwear with the pouch in the front and for the past few weeks I have taken a standard hand warmer (the kind that heats up when exposed to air) and dropped it in the pouch. It provides a decent amount of heat and I find it helps to keep my dick relaxed more througout the day. It is a bit of a hassle,however, shifting it around every so often. I have even debated sewing another pouch on the underwear with some old t-shirt material to hold it in place.

I appreciate the advice fellas. Going to give the wrap a shot but I’m seeing the problem improve as i PE more so that’s good. I’m a very stress free person and I eat a healthy diet and lift so it doesn’t make much sense this problem.

This has become a lifestyle for me

Originally Posted by ilducez
As the title states, this problem began when I was 17 in 2013. I did a little PEing then and was always very careful. My penis and balls will turtle begginning around 7AM and stop at around 8-9 PM. Then it will hang just fine. It’s a very embarrasing problem because I don’t want to whip it out during its’ turtle stage. Any thoughts or advice ? Thanks.

I’ve had a shrinkage or turtling problem for as long as I can remember. I’ve always assumed it’s due to having an undersized penis. When I’m warm in bed as I wake up then my parts are relaxed but cold, anxiety, fear, stress etc all cause shrinkage. So when I get out of bed it starts.

That’s why the best time for me to have sex with my wife is just after I wake up. Trouble is she needs more sleep than me so is always asleep when I wake up and stays that way for a couple of hours.

I could probably write a book about my shrinkage shame.

By the way I don’t do PE yet although I naturally would like a much bigger penis so am considering it.

Are you overweight? A fat pad that is deeper than the flaccid length can cause this. Weight loss and/or penis lengthening would fix it.

Some people use a testicle weight ring to stretch them longer so it’s impossible to retract into the abdomen. However, I don’t know if that’s a great idea since there is a reason the testicles are capable of this, to protect from cold and traumatic injury. Low hangers can be problematic and age seems to elongate the testicles over time anyway.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by ilducez

As the title states, this problem began when I was 17 in 2013. I did a little PEing then and was always very careful. My penis and balls will turtle beginning around 7AM and stop at around 8-9 PM. Then it will hang just fine. It’s a very embarrassing problem because I don’t want to whip it out during its’ turtle stage. Any thoughts or advice ? Thanks.

Hey, so turtling is a very common problem for a lot go guys and especially if your involved in PE. There is a couple of different ways to help this issue out and Anti-turtling Sleeves work wonders! We recommend wearing this after a routine to help cement the gains that you are achieving, but can also be worn even if not actively engaged in PE. Have you tried this out before?


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