Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

ED Worries...

Latency - I didn’t want to hear that lol - “I believe it’s very easy to inflict and it doesn’t need to get you numb, it kills your erections, morning wood and Spontaneous erections + It makes it hard to cum.”

that just about describes me… i can go for an hour easily and still not come, when it comes to sex anyway, it’s a lot quicker when masturbating.

Do you find it hard to come when masturbating? And have you had any improvements since it happened to you? What do you do when you want to have sex etc? And what was it that you think you did to cause the damage (exactly what excercises)?

Brilliant screen name by the way.

I am sure there is a way forward for you. As someone having had experience of this in my teens, (lasting nearly a year), and having completely got over it, I would be happy to offer my 2 cents, but in order to do so I need more information from you. would you mind answering these few questions:

How often to you masturbate per week/month?
How often does this lead to ejaculation?
What is your body weight?
What sort of food do you live on?
What year did you first do ANY PE?
Please elaborate on your “Depression/Withdrawal, also were you on medication?

The comment by others that ED is mostly physical has to be tempered with the fact that since the advent of Viagra and the like, 75 year olds who can’t perform like an 18 year old are saying they have ED. Well of course that is physical. 50 year olds who have eaten crap all their lives, get no sleep and work 3 jobs, and drink until they pass out, may well be in a similar camp. But I would say that in young men, the cause is more likely to be psychological, or diet, rather than some permanent physical malfunction. After all, the world is full of stress these days. The good news is, the mind can be mastered, it just takes a bit of dedication, and a few friends to help you on your way.

While we can’t rule out your suspicion of a PE based cause, it seems unlikely, after a re-reading your initial post. I say this because:
a) If I understand you correctly, you did not seem to start PE as far back as 18, yet you do not appear to have had been fully sexually functioning since 18.

b) If it was due to an injury, one would expect there to have been a before and after moment. You do not even seem to be able to pin-point the exact start of the decline in your EQ. This is, to say the least, unusual for a young guy: I would notice the instant my dick did not behave as expected. I remember once when I was young, I got influenza so bad, I was hallucinating, and watching pictures on the ceiling, like it was a television, I could not get it up for a week, and I was normally a 2 or 3 times a day jerker! I still recall that event, clear as day.

From the way you write, your mind was on other things, for like 10 years? Very interested to hear the rest of the story.

Cool i’d really appreciate some advice because the reality of the prospect of not being able to function properly again in that dept has finally slapped me in the face and is really starting to get me down now.

I used to masturbate maybe once a day but now its probably once every 2/3 days because i’ve kind of lost the drive in a way, it’s just a reminder that things aren’t right.

I would say 95% of the time i’ll ejaculate - don’t really have a problem there!

i’m 5’11, 161 lbs.

I don’t eat amazingly healthily - lots of curry, takeaways, though i’m cutting down. Don’t eat much veg or fruit really.

I play football once a week.

I didn’t take any medication, but I smoked lots of weed, not that it had any positive effects!

Due to smoking loads of weed and some problems within my social group I began to get really socially anxious and paranoid so I withdrew from the outside world as a coping mechanism. I spent a good 3 years smoking weed and surfing the net, with a terrible sleeping pattern and no social life as much as I could help it.

at 23 I decided to try sort things out so stopped the weed, started college and began digging my way out of the hole i’d made. I first tried PE at 24 and I really cannot remember when things started to go wrong, only that I was ok before then, because I remember being in the shower doing it and struggling to keep myself from being too erect to safely PE!

I always warmed up properly though, but like I say I think i bust a vein from my technique and i stretched from the base (anyone know if this is particularly bad?).

All this time my confidence was shot at, so I didn’t really try to get girls, and I think i had a fundamental fear of actually managing to get one into bed with me, just due to problems with my overall well-being.

about 2 years ago I finally got a girl into bed for the first time and lost it during a position change so I couldn’t get it in. It’s been like that ever since really, I can manage to get it up to a degree but I always seem to lose it. The last girl I was with said I never seemed to get fully hard. But the girl before that, I had sex with twice and I would manage to get 75% hard then start going at it, and i’m sure it went fully hard, it felt hard inside her and I lasted ages and had to stop because she’d had enough. I’m not sure how hard I actually was in reality though, but she was pretty tight so I think that helped. The most recent girl though, I was doing her once and out of the blue she just said ‘this isn’t going to happen is it’… because even though we were having sex, i guess I was way under erect… thats worrying to me, that it didn’t get hard even then!

My heads all over the shop now, I just want to get all the tests and find out what the score is. Just hope it’s a problem I can permanently fix, or I dunno what i’m gonna do.

Apologies if the post isn’t the most coherent, not had much sleep - watched the ricky hatton fight last night. got his ass whooped, bah!


4 years ago

Maybe try a kegel routine. Strengthening your PC muscle strengthens your erection quality.

Originally Posted by wotsallthisthen
Latency - I didn’t want to hear that lol - “I believe it’s very easy to inflict and it doesn’t need to get you numb, it kills your erections, morning wood and Spontaneous erections + It makes it hard to cum.”

That just about describes me.. I can go for an hour easily and still not come, when it comes to sex anyway, it’s a lot quicker when masturbating.

Do you find it hard to come when masturbating? And have you had any improvements since it happened to you? What do you do when you want to have sex etc? And what was it that you think you did to cause the damage (exactly what excercises)?

No, it’s alot easier to cum when masturbating, then having sex.

Yes, my situation have improved some since the injury hitted me back in Jun 2006. The 2 first weeks in jun 06 I couldn’t get erect, while now I can get to 85- 90%, sitting or laying. If I stand I only can keep it on 80% erect, probably because of damaged valves in my cock.

I used the Jes extender, I was young and stupid and forced the silicon loop hard around my penis head for one hour a day, this for 3 months. I guess I blocked all blood-flow and this over time led to permanent nerve damage.

I’m trying to stay away from sex, it’s not the same as it used to be, it feels completely strange now, not as it should be.

I’m not trying to get you worried but you have to consider every possibility and unfortunately nerve damage often is permanent and it’s nothing to do about it:/

I really hope it’s something else which is messing up your cock, consulting a doctor should be your next move!

Latency, I’m sorry to hear about that man, it sounds like you went a bit overboard with your methods, i guess we all make mistakes, but it’s good that you can get 80% erect from not being able to at all! And you can hold it there too… thats better than me to be honest, I mean i’ll get 75% easy enough but it wont stay on its own.

How would I get a test for nerve damage, do I ask my doctor specifically? I think if I have any its round the base. Seriously, does anyone know if stretching from the base is dangerous, or not advised, or should it be fine?

I’m going to start a kegel routine then and see if it helps.


I had complete ED. I could ejaculate without even getting an erection. It was a soft and silky thicker flaccid perhaps a 20% erection.

Now I can get 100% erections.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Hi wotsallthisthen,

Thankyou for filling in some of the blanks.
What follows is just my opinion based on similar experience to yours. Feel free to tell me where to get off.

I can’t promise it will be instant fix in your case - the word that springs to mind is rehabilitation. From your last post, it appears that tone of your life for the first half of the last 10 years could be summed up as out of focus. Then you started trying to sharpen up a little. This is a huge improvement. You dug a big hole, it may take a while to reach daylight, but you will.

Weed is a hugely psychoactive drug, especially the semiengineeredd stuff originating from the Netherlands. Amongst the weed smoking community, it is considered so right on, that no questioning of its health dangers is tolerated. Users of it always quote you the “fact” that it is not physically addictive. Asking them why they smoke it every day leeds to trouble, and if there is a “famine” they act like the world is coming to an end.

It often acts as a mood intensifier, and if taken daily in even moderate quantities, tends to lock a person into a minimalist set of reoccurring emotions. It gradually depresses the nervous system, but as there is usually a mellow feeling, the harm is not noticed immediately. IIRC, it suppresses some aspects of testosterone function in the male - not good for erections.

I don’t want to type for hours to explain the exact mechanism, but one of the problems with dope is paranoia. If for instance, while you were stoned you had a bad experience with a woman, if there was a heightened sense of anxiety or doom or fear or any other emotion at the time, then the next encounter with a woman could re-trigger the same set of feelings. I don’t know if this happened in your case, or on that subject, but I haven’t met many smokers who did not experience paranoia at least once.

Once you give up using the stuff, the negative affects begin to dissipate, but it’s not instant. The negative mental and emotional pathways and responses take longer, but things can only get better.

Interacting with loving helpful people is a huge help. On that note, I would say that from the way you tell it, the last girlfriend you had was not ideal for you. She may well be a nice person but probably has enough problems of her own, to keep her from giving you the love and support that you need. Also, she may be correct in her assumption that their is insufficient chemistry between the two of you. If you find a woman that makes you horny, chances are that it will be reciprocated. Especially in your numb state, if a woman make you horny, it probably means that the chemistry is breaking through, in spite of your less than optimum condition.

I used to think “everything is in the mind”, but while I still think the mind is at the very top of the list, over the last few years, I have been persuaded that hormones and general health play a huge part. Zaneblue, is probably the expert on sexy diets on this forum. She has written a health and diet book for women, that by all accounts can turn even the most dull housewife into a sex machine (she will probably tell me off for saying that).

In my opinion, what you need to do is boost your system. Cut out anything that drains it, and add things that energise. Apart from diet, I would cut down on solo ejaculation to once a week or even once every two weeks - not for ever, but for a few months to gauge the affect. What should happen is that you will, bit by bit, start to lust after women, and want to do something about it. If you do zane’s diet as well (I’m not sure if it needs modding for men), you will soon be “champing at the bit”.

When you jerk off, it is like you are building up pressure in your system, and then by ejaculating, you are releasing that pressure, so that the pressure level you end up with is less than what you started with. In your case, right now, you need all the pressure you can muster, don’t let it dribble away down the sink. Also, it takes a lot of trace elements and high quality proteins to make semen, so if you are not replenishing them, you will drain your vitality.

You mentioned kegels - good idea, but don’t go at it like a super stud, build it up, nice and slow. I have to put my marker down here and say I disagree with the guys who say do it every day whenever you have a spare moment, several times a day. A deliberate time set a side 3 or 4 times a week(and no more than 4) will firm up the muscles faster, and lead to less fatigue. In your case, fatigue is the enemy.

Keep posting, you will be an inspiration to many!


I have to beg to differ on the nerve issue.

It can seem like they are permanently damaged, but in fact nerves can repair them selves, but it is a very very slow process. I had this happen to me.

I was in a bad bike accident, and the impact caused my left little fingertip to lose all sensation on the outside edge. Not only that, but the finger joint below it became so sensitive, that I had to drive my car with one finger in the air like I was drinking a posh cup of tea from a quaint little porcelain cup. If the joint so much as touched the wheel, I would get an electric shock!

I went to the quack, and he told me that operating on it could make it worse, and it might just get better by it’s self. I did not believe him, because a month had already gone by, before I saw him. However, after six months, some sensation came back, and the shocks stopped, and after a year, it was more or less normal. Now, ten years later, I can not tell it happened.

I like the above post.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

On the subject of nerve damage, I would say sufficient rest is vital. IMO once you think you have a problem you shouldn’t go strangling your pecker like a Christmas turkey, and expect the damage to repair it’s self in spite of all the abuse.

Originally Posted by wotsallthisthen
Cool i’d really appreciate some advice because the reality of the prospect of not being able to function properly again in that dept has finally slapped me in the face and is really starting to get me down now.

I used to masturbate maybe once a day but now its probably once every 2/3 days because i’ve kind of lost the drive in a way, it’s just a reminder that things aren’t right.

I would say 95% of the time i’ll ejaculate - don’t really have a problem there!

i’m 5’11, 161 lbs.

I don’t eat amazingly healthily - lots of curry, takeaways, though i’m cutting down. Don’t eat much veg or fruit really.

I play football once a week.

I didn’t take any medication, but I smoked lots of weed, not that it had any positive effects!

Due to smoking loads of weed and some problems within my social group I began to get really socially anxious and paranoid so I withdrew from the outside world as a coping mechanism. I spent a good 3 years smoking weed and surfing the net, with a terrible sleeping pattern and no social life as much as I could help it.

at 23 I decided to try sort things out so stopped the weed, started college and began digging my way out of the hole i’d made. I first tried PE at 24 and I really cannot remember when things started to go wrong, only that I was ok before then, because I remember being in the shower doing it and struggling to keep myself from being too erect to safely PE!

I always warmed up properly though, but like I say I think i bust a vein from my technique and i stretched from the base (anyone know if this is particularly bad?).

All this time my confidence was shot at, so I didn’t really try to get girls, and I think i had a fundamental fear of actually managing to get one into bed with me, just due to problems with my overall well-being.

about 2 years ago I finally got a girl into bed for the first time and lost it during a position change so I couldn’t get it in. It’s been like that ever since really, I can manage to get it up to a degree but I always seem to lose it. The last girl I was with said I never seemed to get fully hard. But the girl before that, I had sex with twice and I would manage to get 75% hard then start going at it, and i’m sure it went fully hard, it felt hard inside her and I lasted ages and had to stop because she’d had enough. I’m not sure how hard I actually was in reality though, but she was pretty tight so I think that helped. The most recent girl though, I was doing her once and out of the blue she just said ‘this isn’t going to happen is it’… because even though we were having sex, i guess I was way under erect… thats worrying to me, that it didn’t get hard even then!

My heads all over the shop now, I just want to get all the tests and find out what the score is. Just hope it’s a problem I can permanently fix, or I dunno what i’m gonna do.

Apologies if the post isn’t the most coherent, not had much sleep - watched the ricky hatton fight last night. got his ass whooped, bah!


4 years ago

Wow. You must be my long lost twin brother. My life has been so identical in many ways. And I am still going through similar problems.

I believe most of the problem is in your head and possible overworked (not injured) penis.

I have problems with not achieving/maintaining full 100% erections and always kegeling to keep hardish.

I believe most of the problem is in your head and possible overworked (not injured) penis. (Also possible that overworked penis lead to ED which lead to worrying leading to mental problems).

A few ways to test this that worked for me was:

1. At least 1 whole week no porn, masturbating etc, keep fit weights, cardio (don’t overdo it)…then find a relaxing moment to look at some really stimulating (for you) porn. You should get instant boner and no need to kegel to maintain hardness.

2. Try yohimbe. This gives me amazing erections. I can cum 4 times with a soft dick one day and the next day this stuff will keep me hard all day.

3. Try Viagra.

Though in all honestly if you are like me I believe your problem is thinking too much.

Keep yourself really busy for a few days then horniness will build up and boner with no thoughts or problem. Example, when at uni and having to do projects, dissertations etc, I would be so busy for days on end that I would have no time to think about my penis or ED. I would be stressed with work. Then once it was complete or just to take a break I would look at some porn and erections were good. In other words I believe if like me you think about your dick and ED for a large part of your day every day the problem will never cure. If you are busy with other things and external thoughts, horniness will build up naturally, your internal instincts will kick in and your dick will work. (This is my major problem now since graduating, I bum about all day and think about my dick, problems and porn too much and am depressed). In fact, keeping busy is probably the best way to deal with all your worries. The busy mind has no time to think (if you are busy with external things and have less time to think about yourself). Unfortunately I’m a lazy bastard and can’t follow my own advice but the best sex and erections I’ve had throughout all my years of porn/ED troubles were when I’d been occupied with external things not been concentrating on my problems and internal thoughts and to busy to think about my dick, then get some.

In other words, if your thinking all day my dick doesn’t work then start to masturbate and say my dick isn’t gonna work, it isn’t gonna work.

If you get a girl naked and are thinking about ‘your dick’ not her ass or tits, you ain’t gonna get horny or hard.

I think this is great advice but I guess it’s pretty useless unless you can follow it. And I can’t.

The mind plays a role in ED, performance anxiety. Better than kegels alone for improving wood is either ballooning or edging.

As far as blood vessel damage goes I’m going to do some research on this subject this month to see if I can’t come up with a supplement that can help repair damaged valves in the penis.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yes Kingpole, I was hinting at edging in the post #23, but did not want to throw too much into the mix in one go! Do you think too much edging can be overkill?

To me the main thing is, if your drives are low, ejaculation lets too much vitality escape.

The only mod to my diet is men shouldn’t take iron, and men can skip the PC muscle exercises.

But the basic diet information was already given earlier in this thread. Take fish oil. I’m so tired of typing this. For 130-pound person 1700 mg EPA and 1300 mg DHA. Double the weight, double the dose. Make sure to also take a multivitamin. See other threads for medical disclaimers, drug interactions, etc. Check with your doctor before taking high dose fish oil.

You should see results in two weeks at the full dose. Increase dosage gradually over a week or two to the full dose to get your system used to it. Get a quality product with at least EPA + DHA > 500 mg per one one-gram capsule (check the label carefully, sometimes serving size is two capsules).

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg


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