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Hi…ran across this recently and wondered if anyone had heard anything about it. This treatment apparently isn’t available yet in the US. Looking forward to your comments or feedback.


Haven’t heard of it but at $3500 US, seems high for what it is, but if you have ED, I guess it may be worth it. Wonder if you can sit on a sub-woofer and get the same benefit?

ED-1000 vs. ED drugs

Originally Posted by SizeItUp
Haven’t heard of it but at $3500 US, seems high for what it is, but if you have ED, I guess it may be worth it. Wonder if you can sit on a sub-woofer and get the same benefit?

I guess that might be possible, though probably less precise. I know, by research, that this therapy is available in England and Canada. The studies that led to the production of the ED-1000 were conducted in Israel several years ago. I have friends from Europe, and something I’ve heard most of them say, is that American medicine is behind the times. I wonder if its because nobody here stateside has paid attention to these studies, or if Big Pharma wants to be the only ones American doctors and patients turn to for treatment of ED. Just some food for thought.


Looks like bullshit to me.

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