Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Emotional/Sexual Health

Emotional/Sexual Health

Why does it feel like such an emotional kick in the balls when the girl you love says “Im gonna go fuck my dildo now, see you later, wish it was your dick.” Its pissing me off although it shouldn’t! I might masturbate a couple times a month. She might 6-12 times a month. I hate hearing about it. If she doesnt want to make me a part of the process I really dont want to hear about it. Im sick and pissed off about it!


Does it seem like she is dissing you? Is she trying to make you jealous of the thing? I don’t know your size, but if you are 5.5x4.5 and the dildo is 8x6 is she wanting the dildo to be 5.5 or wanting you to have 8x6 attached?

If it were me and I thought she was dissing me, or playing a mindfuck shit test game I’d dump her. Plenty of pussy out there.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I’m wondering if you make her a part of the process when you masturbate? If not, why not?

Masturbation is usually a very private event, for men and for women. Nor does it have anything to do with love or affection. If she’s saying this on the phone, it makes sense that the dildo is where she is and your dick is not.

Even if you were to marry, there will be times when you will masturbate and when she will and that won’t necessarily mean that one of you doesn’t prefer sex together. Sometimes masturbation fits the bill perfectly and is just right for the moment.




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