epididymal cyst, varicocele surgery
Around four years ago, I went to see an urologist about a small painful bump on my right testicle. I was a little bit concerned that it might be cancer, but not real concerned. After examination, the doctor said it was a small epididymal cyst, and there was a varicocele on the the left one. Both relatively common, and nothing to worry about. But the cyst has slowly become bigger and a bit more painful, and I don’t like the size distortion, and uneven look of my balls, as the varicocele side is now bigger and hanging quite a bit lower than the other. I’m just curious if anyone has had one of these, or both of these conditions and had them fixed. Both are treated under local anaesthetic, on an outpatient basis. Not much more complicated than a vasectomy. I’m just curious about price and recovery time really, as I’ve decided to get them both fixed, but don’t have insurance, so it will be an out of pocket expense for me. Thanks for any help.