Epstein Barr (EBV) reactivation? Anyone in the know on this?

Hello guys,

Long story short in bulletpoints:

- Excellent start of the year with daily excercising, sleep and good nutrition. That’s not hard daily exercise, but plenty moderate/mild sessions. I’ve considered if I overdid it and it’s possible, but I’m not so sure as I feel I have a good handle of what my body can handle and not.

- Got sick with what I thought was covid for the 3rd time in March. Stop all excercise. I say thought because the test was negative, but my family tested positive. If not covid, it was at least a flu of sorts.

- The worst was over after 2-3 weeks, but I never really seemed to get fully recovered. I tried to do some mild running trying to get back at it again, but I had a high pulse during mild excercise and it didn’t leave me good afterwards, so after a few attempts I just completely stopped again.

- Started noticing that my throat was sore similar to when I had EBV/mononucleosis 8 years ago. I took a test and it turned out positive on all three panels. That’s EBV-VCA IgM, EBV-VCA IgG and EBV-EBNA IgG. Took another one to be sure and the outcome was the same.

- Fast forward today, I’m just not feeling well and recovery is going very slow - if at all. A general feeling of mild illness, sore throat that comes and go, very hard coughing to the point where I feel I may puke, low energy and generally wanting a lot of sleep. Obviously, I don’t function well in daily life at all and I’m a shadow of my former self as late as late February this year.

I have received no good answers from my main GP and a few other GPs I’ve been with. Both my main GP and the lab say that getting mononucleosis twice is so rare that it must be something else. Yet I’m left with no explanation or advice beyond taking it easy. The most frustrating part now is not even knowing for sure what it is.

I’ve seen some research saying that an EBV-reactivation doesn’t necessarily mean mononucleosis and that it’s been seen in patients with ‘long covid’. So, who knows?

It’s a shot in the dark maybe, but maybe someone had the same thing and can shed some light on the subject.

Thanks in advance :)
