Thunder's Place

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Ever have trouble urinating after sex?

Ever have trouble urinating after sex?

Last night I was getting it on with my gf. Right in the middle I had to piss like race horse. I didn’t want to stop to take care of it, so I decided to cum a little early and then go in the bathroom to relieve myself. While attempting to urinate, I found that I was having some trouble. I took me about 90 seconds before I could start going. I never have trouble pissing at any other time. Anybody ever had trouble like this before?

Thats normal.

Always, always have trouble peeing after sex. My ex would wonder what I was doing at first, but later on, she knew the drill.

I really have to force it, and even then it comes in short spurts. But from the strange conversations I have with my buddies I know that either we all have something wrong (not likely). Or it’s perfectly normal. My theory on it is pretty simple, and I would bet that many members here know exactly why. But yeah I always have the same trouble.

It’s about your bladder neck which, during sexual stimulation, sort of locks closed so that when you do ejaculate, no urine (which is acidic) will be mixed with the soon-to-arrive sperm. Those little guys can’t survive in acid environments. It takes a couple minutes sometimes for the muscles in the bladder neck to relax, even if your bladder is near full. This is a procreative “safety valve.”



I can go piss right after cumming with no problem. But that is rare to have to do that.

This is all good to hear. I figured it was normal, but I wanted to be more sure. Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by avocet8
It’s about your bladder neck which, during sexual stimulation, sort of locks closed so that when you do ejaculate, no urine (which is acidic) will be mixed with the soon-to-arrive sperm. Those little guys can’t survive in acid environments. It takes a couple minutes sometimes for the muscles in the bladder neck to relax, even if your bladder is near full. This is a procreative “safety valve.”

Interesting. I always had the intuition that it would be something related to this process but it is nice to finally understand it.

From a practical point of view it might be suggested that you drain down well before sex so that you don’t have to pee immediately after. However there are two disadvantages with that. One is that it’s not always possible or feasible to arrange for the need to pee to occur immediately before sexual desire. More often than not you might need to pee when you want to have sex but not badly enough to justify a precautionary visit to the toilet. Secondly, it’s always a good idea to flush yourself out with a good wee after sex as it helps to minimise the possibility of any subsequent problems. To be honest I don’t think having to wait in order to get going is unusual or anything to worry about in that particular context. Perhaps it might help to wait for a while after sex until you really want to do a wee before going to the toilet.

I used to be a bit stressed about this, but my doc said something like what avocate said

Starting stats, mid december 06: FL- 10.5cm, BPFL- 12cm, EL - 15cm, BPEL- 16.5cm, EBG- 14cm

June 5th, 2008; BPEL - 19cm (7.5") , mid shaft girth - 14 (5.5")cm

Goal: BPFL - 15cm, BPEL - 21cm, EG- 16cm

Yeah there is a kind of blocked feeling.

I experience that too and my pee stream goes everywhere except into the pan :D

Originally Posted by pazuzu

I experience that too and my pee stream goes everywhere except into the pan :D


"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


I can handle the momentary blocked thing.

What I want to know is why does it burn when I pee.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Originally Posted by RootCap
I can handle the momentary blocked thing.
What I want to know is why does it burn when I pee.

So you’re saying you get a burning sensation when you urinate?

No doc, FLAMES shoot out my dick. I can’t piss in the house, I’ll burn the muthfucka down.

Start: 5/26/06 NBPEL - 6.50" x 5.5EG BPEL - 7"

Current:7/1/06 NBPEL - 6.75" x 5x5EG BPEL - 7.25"


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