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expiry date important for Viagara?

expiry date important for Viagara?

Many items ave expiry dates tat don’t mean much and I’m not sure if Viagra is one of them. Does anyone know what the risks are with expired Viagra. Does it lessen its potency or do something else? or is it a still good to take?

Started PE Oct 1/06 - bpel 13.5cm (5.3") eg 13.5cm (5.3") el 12cm (4.7") Dec 1/06 - bpel 14.0cm (5.5") eg 13.5cm (5.3") el 12.5cm (4.9")

Currently - bpel 14.2cm (5.5") eg 14.0cm (5.6") el 13.0cm (5.1")

Max GOAL : EL 18.5cm (7.3") EG 15cm (6") "Although I will quit at first sign of interference with anal or oral"

My mother in law is a doctor and her house is full of free medication she gets everywhere.

Sometimes when i need something she gives me old ass stuff to take, they dont even look at dates they just take it.

I’m not an expert but I’d say most medications will just lose effectiveness.

Don’t know about Viagra though.

It will lose some potency after a year, but usable for some time after that.



I could have sworn the title was expiry date important for Vagina, Came in here very confused.

Originally Posted by kbs83

I could have sworn the title was expiry date important for Vagina, Came in here very confused.

I guess you missed the question mark.

I have read that it should remain useful up to two years after the manufacturing date though its potency way wane somewhat. It helps if you keep it in a cool dry place.

In most cases the above is true as to its effects lower with age. The only thing that you must be aware of is gel caps of any sort as they go rancid after expiry date.

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