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Finasteride (Propecia) "may" prevent prostate cancer....

Finasteride (Propecia) "may" prevent prostate cancer....

I just started taking generic propecia for my hair that has been getting thinner since I was in high school….I had a asshole teacher actually point out the fact in front of an entire math class my freshman year “Hey (insert my last name here), you goin bald?” Oh man I wish I could go kick his ass. Anyway, I’m finally getting around to doing something about it. Took me this long mainly because of ignorance …not knowing there was anything available besides Rogain and also thinking it would cost too much like I’m sure most men do. So, I was digging around online looking for facts about Finasteride the active ingredient in this drug…I’ve always been an information junky…and came across an interesting article. Evidently there is a study being conducted by at least one group as to whether Finasteride may help prevent prostate cancer. Definitely an important thing to be concerned with being a man. Check it out:

Finasteride was created to treat enlarged prostates. Larger breasts have a signifigantly higher risk of breast cancer than small ones. It’s pretty reasonable to make the jump to reducing the risk of prostate cancer if you shrink your prostate as well. What dose are you taking?

Are you using/going to use anything else for your hair? Finasteride might not do much by itself.


As a successful propecia user for 6 years, I hope this study turns out with valid positive results.



If you start getting libido loss or limp erections, lay off the Propecia and the sooner the better.

It doesn’t bother some guys at all. But I’ve read a whole lot of posts over the years from youngish guys who lose erectile response - too many to be coincidental.



I’m currently only using Propecia (generic) for my thin hair.

Who called me :D I know, I am repeating myself: I am taking Propecia since 6 years, I have a great sex drive, good erections and my hair stopped thinning and even regrew a bit. This Monday I ordered a different generic brand from Cyberdrugs: 90 pills for US$ 58.

Never heard that Finasteride wouldn’t do much against hair loss by itself :confused:

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Originally posted by L born XXL buried
Never heard that Finasteride wouldn't do much against hair loss by itself :confused:

Ever been to a hairloss forum?

I’ve been using finasteride and minoxidil since July and the improvment in my hair is remarkable. Prior to this I was using minoxidil for 8-9 years and it definitely slowed my hairloss but didn’t grow any new hair. My hairline at the front seems to be slowly improving, while the top of my head(crown) has gone from noticably thin, to not thin at all.

I can’t say that finasteride alone wouldn’t help me, but I wouldn’t dare stop using minox at this point. ;)

I was so happy to drop minox after 5 years on it. This messy applying it to the scalp :eek: I changed from minox only (having had the same results as you) to fin only. And I don’t worry about my hair since then ;)

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

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