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Floating Bitesticles??!!

Floating Bitesticles??!!

Yes, this is what it feels like…

I’m finally after about a year going to the doctor.
But I though i might ask if anyone knows what this might be.

Its like two lumps in the sack, one on each side.
They are little larger then a pea and hurts when squeezed.

I have no idea what it might be, but you can when they lay
right sometimes, you can spot them trough the skin.

/mvh räven

Other members, correct me if I am mistaken.

Rymdrattan, I think you are describing the epididymis. They do ache a bit when squeezed. Make sure you memorize how your testes, epididymis and vas deferens feel. That way, if there is any change, you can alert your doctor for a more careful checkup.

EPIDIDYMIS: An oblong vermiform mass on the dorsal side of the testicle, composed of numerous convolutions of the excretory duct of that organ.

Also: Epididymis - Wikipedia

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

Get them checked out, Rymdrattan. You’ll feel better and probably be relieved at what you hear from the doctor.

Sometimes the epididymus gets gunked up (clogged); an infection can set in. That can hurt.

PS: What’s a “Bitestickle?”



Thanks to you.

I am abit relieved at least now. I assume that they aren’t
infected or inflammated, but there might still be something wrong.

Im gonna check it up soon i hope, thx again for the feedback! :bow:

bitestickle = I thought they where called that, perhaps they do in Swedish. :D

This is just my thoughts but, are they attached to anything? What I mean by that is are they free floating or are they connected to a vein or something? If you have them on both sides it is probably normal

I have something like this on my left testicle. It comes and goes and sometimes is painful, most of the time not. I went to the doctor a while back and he said it’s a benign cyst, actually quite normal in young men. But don’t take my word for it, you should probably get yourself checked out.

I have a similar problem. Right testicle is quite sore at the moment and I can feel a thickish tube going along the outside of it and into the bottom. Makes it feel uneven. I have had something like this before and it has gone away but it is scary. I have set a deadline and if it doesn’t go away i am off to the doctor. It is very sensitive and I am abstaining from any PE or masturbation so that hopefully it will heal quicker. I hope it didn’t happen because of excessive stretching exercises.


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