Thunder's Place

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for MDs or others with mild hypospadias

for MDs or others with mild hypospadias

Hi, I’ve recently been hanging and using an ADS, in my PE routine. As an infant I had my hypospadias corrected with an incision from the tip of my glands down to the bottom of my glands. When I hang, and sometimes after I have had sex, when I urinate it is a bit of a shower. My question is whether this is normal for men with corrected hypospadias and if its something that I need to worry about getting worse with PE. Also, if sometimes men get touch-up procedures in adulthood. It does not cause pain but can sometimes cause a mess. Thanks in advance.

Current stats- 7.75" BPEL X 5.25 EG Goals- 8.5BPEL X 6.00 EG

Originally Posted by wannabelarge99
Hi, I’ve recently been hanging and using an ADS, in my PE routine. As an infant I had my hypospadias corrected with an incision from the tip of my glans down to the bottom of my glans. When I hang, and sometimes after I have had sex, when I urinate it is a bit of a shower {spray}. My question is whether this is normal for men with corrected hypospadias and if its something that I need to worry about getting worse with PE. Also, if sometimes men get touch-up procedures in adulthood. It does not cause pain but can sometimes cause a mess. Thanks in advance.

Sorry to hear you were affected by hypospadias and that surgery was done before you had the chance to weigh in.

Most normalizing procedures on children are for the benefit of caregivers, and have nothing to do with the health of the patient.

You did not have and will never have a normal meatus. You will never know if leaving you intact as a child would have allowed a more pleasing outcome with today’s technology.

My advice is unless you’re having health issues or discomfort leave well enough alone, and advocate for genital autonomy rights for children to heal your spirit. As for causing a mess, I sit to urinate and the mess pretty much always goes where intended.

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