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Genital warts

Genital warts

I know this should be posted in the health and STD forum, but it seems like the only place I can post is the newbie forum.

The thing is I have found I got one genital wart on my glands. It is not very visible but it can easily be seen if you know where to look. When my penis is erect, it is not visible, as it is flesh colored and get stretched under erections.

I’m seeing a doctor about this tomorrow. I have read it is pretty common with genital warts.

Is there anyone here with knowledge or experience with having genital warts? How likely is it that I can make the visible wart(s) go away? (I know the virus it self that causes the warts will never leave the body, so I’m thinking about the cosmetic aspect).

I’m a bit stressed out and sad about discovering this wart. Thoughts run through my head.. Will I never have sex again? Will I have to live with a freakish penis with warts on for the rest of my life? Will it spread even more? Um.. It’s not very fun in other words.

What I want to archive with posting here is venting out and getting some feedback with experiences or knowledge about treatment options and how likely it is that I can make the visible wart(s) go away.

Dude I went through the same thing. But there’s good news. Even though the virus never leaves the skin (so I hear, though you’d think if the skin was worn off through natural growth it would go away.) the visible signs can be easily treated, and are likely to stop coming back. But if they do, just keep going back to the doctors.

UPDATE: It turned out it was not genital warts after all. But it really looked like it and it scared me! It turned out that it was 2 tiny blood vessels on the tip of my glands that sometimes “grow” and it may look like a little wart-like bump. But both myself and the doctor agree that it is not warts now.

I became somewhat paranoid after my x gf turned out to develop a lot of wart-like bumps on her pussy. So I kept looking at my unit until I found what I thought was warts… Really scary! I am so full of gratitude over the fact that it is not warts. Not that it would have been the end of the world, but it is nice to dont have them anyway.

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