Originally Posted by S.P.
Maybe the dangers of porn to penis sensitivity should be taught in sex ed at school. It’s probably only a new phenomenon that has coincided with the availability if internet porn and high speed internet. I would bet the number of people having delayed/retarded ejaculation is going to increase in the future.
THIS - BIG TIME! So many places online say that watching porn is not bad, there are no negative effects from masturbation, etc. I think most of these opinions are based on what was considered a “normal” amount of porn before the internet was around, when it was economically impossible to watch the massive amount that we can consume in minutes today. Many results from searching for questions such as “am I watching too much porn” or “can too much masturbation cause ED” are based on the idea of the reader being a teenager who watches a little porn here or there and is just worried because of the social/religious stigma. They are not addressing the porn viewer who spends a whole weekend inside, masturbating with such pressure and fury that they actually do cause themselves to become desensitized.
I think that porn may be fine for some people, in moderate amounts; but there are also those people who will become addicted to it - and easily so, because it is so ubiquitous now - and it is unfortunate that these people are met with responses of “no, don’t worry, you can watch all the porn you want, it’s normal” or “don’t be ashamed of your body, it is healthy to masturbate”. It’s also unfortunate that the majority of sites advocating for quitting porn and masturbation have an extreme moral/religious slant, which (for many people) is not the reason they are looking to stop.
I don’t think there’s anything unethical or morally wrong with porn or masturbation, so many of the “quit porn” sites missed the mark with me and lead me back to porn, especially when padded with the encouragement of the antithesis sites, advocating free use of porn and masturbation without limit. I agree that this information needs to be made more accessible to the general public. I don’t know if sex education is the right place, cause that seems to be a contentious area, however the information must be disseminated somehow.