Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Got Diabetes!


Got Diabetes!

I found out that I am diabetic. I am only 29 years old, and I have to admit, this is pretty devastating. One of the things that my doctor told me could happen is me becoming impudent (sp?). I certainly hope not.

The strength of my erections has increased to such an extent that I continue to be rock hard AFTER I have ejaculated. I told my doctor what I have been doing and he was very impressed. In fact, he said that he would recommend some of the exercises that I was doing to some of his other diabetic patients. Thanks Thunders.

If there are any other diabetics in here, please let me know and give me advice about ANYTHING.

Well, on a good note, I finally passed 7” BPEL. My EG is still only 6 1/4”.

You mean impotent. Impudent would be cool to have. Characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or impertinent.

My mother just found out she was diabetic this year. Is it so bad you need injections? I hope not. Anyhow, my mom had to give up a lot of foods and takes her blood for sugar typing on some weird ass machine.

Do you smoke or drink? A bit overweight? You have to really be careful with what you do. Someone told me that drinking hard liquor can really do you dirty with creating this or making it worse.

Stay on top of it and you should do fine.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


You’re so young to become diabetic, but more and more younger people are developing it because of our nasty hi-carb, hi-calory diet.

I’m diabetic, (no pills or insulin). I control it through diet and constant monitoring, just like TT’s mother. My erections, thanks to PE, are rock hard, and I’m 36 years older than you are. :D

Are you overweight? I’m not overweight, but the low-carb diet has done wonders for me. I’ve dropped 20 pounds as my cock has grown larger. :D My blood glucose levels, and my cholesterol have dropped to unbelievable low levels—all through diet.

Do you have a glucose monitor? Get one if you don’t have one, and be sure to monitor your blood sugar daily. Approach your diabetes the way you would your PE, (with lots of enthusiasm and hard work).

Do you drink alcoholic beverages? If you do, cut them out. I just watched a close friend, a heavy drinker, almost die from complications after surgery because of uncontrolled diabetes.

It can definitely shorten your life, but with a proper diet and self-monitoring, you can control it and live a full life rather than letting it control you.

Good luck,


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


when I went to the doctor, it was because my foot had swollen to twice it’s normal size. The doc said that he thought it was something called “gout”. When my blood work and x-rays came back, they confirmed it. Before he had that done, thought, he pricked my finger with this stupid little thing and made me put a drop of blood on this little pad. The number read 404. When that happened, he told me that I was a diabetic and that he thought that I was what is called “type 1” diabetic. Fortunately, when my blood work came back, he said that I was “type 2” which means that I can control my diabetes with diet and pills, instead of insulin shots.

Guys, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, but I do have an addiction. I am addicted to food. Right now, I weigh about 310 pounds. I am 6’2”, and my heaviest that I have been is around 380. I want to lose the rest of the weight, and now that I have been diagnosed with this damn diabetes, I don’t have a choice. My wife is scared that I won’t be around as long as we had planned, but I hope that with a complete lifestyle change, things will get better. The doctor told me that I could keep it under control with constant monitoring and weight loss, but how long before I need a kidney transplant or dialysis? This really sucks, and I hope that I have the guts to make things better.

The most important thing is to slowly but reliably trim your bodyweight to a healthy level. You’re a little taller (about an inch) than me at 6’2”, and I weigh in at around 220. As it stands, it puts more strain on your system from the heart having to work harder, and also needing to produce more insulin to get the same level of carbohydrate removal from the blood.

This is real important, but be methodical and dedicated and you’ve nothing to fear.

You can't kill ideas with bullets!

I want

You CAN control your diabetes with diet and exercise. Yes, you will have to monitor your blood sugar level several times a day (the stick your finger and drip a drop on the little pad—the doctor should have given you the monitoring device necessary).

Learn everything you can about diabetes, either here on the net, or through other publications. Talk to a dietitian to learn which foods to avoid (peas, carrots are very high on the glycemic scale). Diabetes isn’t necessarily a death sentence, but you do need to watch it carefully. Let your doctor explain how your checkups will work, I have a friend who is diabetic and she goes to a clinic every 3 months and one of her blood tests needs to be under 7, but I don’t know which one that is.

Knowledge in your case is the most powerful weapon you have against diabetes. Managed properly, diabetes will not destroy your life.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

My father died of complications from diabetes. I didn’t find out about it until years later, but it was one of the big reasons for wanting to get myself back into good shape over the past year. I’ve lost 40 pounds (20 to go), have been exercising regularly, and have started PE. Success in each area has helped in the others.

Sunny is right: knowledge is power. Try to get into a clinic with a Certified Diabetes Educator. Stick to whatever they tell you. Check your blood sugar regularly. Take your meds!

Losing the rest of the weight is probably the best thing you can do. You’ve lost a lot already. Good job! Having done that you probably have your own weight loss methods, but I’ll share one thought with you: when people stared noticing my weight loss, they asked me how much I wanted to lose. My answer is always, “One more pound.” Stay focused on the next pound, and the total is less overwhelming. You’ll get there.

Good Luck!

Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was about 15. Let me dispell some of the myths you are getting. For being one of the earliest known diseases (the name “diabetes” is Greek, and was discovered in ancient Greece), there are still a ton of misconceptions about it. For one thing, you are WAY too young to have Type II. Type II happens when there is too much strain on the body to produce enough insulin, or the insulin is ignored by the cells. This happens in much older people (50+) often, and very often in older, overweight people. It also happens in pregnant women. The causes are the same, but it is called “gestational diabetes”, because after the strain (pregnancy) is removed, the body is able to re-stabalize itself.

I was a touch overweight when I was diagnosed, and they said I was TypeII as well. They told me that a case of typeII in someone my age was somewhere around 1 in 100 million. The drugs didn’t work, and I changed doctors, and my new doc got me taking shots right away. I was a TEXTBOOK case of type I. Anyway, at your weight, I would say it’s possible that you are type II, but not likely, especially with a blood sugar reading of 404 mg/dl. That’s over 4 times as high as it’s supposed to be in a normal person. When mine was discovered, my blood sugar read 425.

Diabetes WILL NOT destroy your life, or make you impotent as long as you keep it controlled. I promise. I’ve had it for 10 years now, and I feel better now than I have my entire life. Plus, all these myths come from 75 or 100 years ago when diabetes was virtually untreatable, at least by the standards we have today.

Bottom line, GET A SECOND OPINION. Right now! These drugs are expensive, and will be ineffectual if you are, in fact, Type I. Taking shots is not bad. people don’t understand that type II is treated with drugs, and type I with insulin replacement. They are two completely different diseases that just happen to have similar symptoms. If you are noticing yourself losing weight without any change in diet, then this is another good sign that you may be type I. And, if you do find out that my intuition is correct and you are, in fact, type I, look into insulin pump tharepy. Doing injections to control blood sugar is like cutting a diamond with a sledgehammer — horribly inaccurate.

Diabetes has a steep learning curve, and I have seen it kill people (two different girls my age). So it’s not something to fsck around with. Learn all you can and you will beat this thing. Plus it will teach you how to live healthier, eat healthier, and be better to yourself. Oh, and more good news, once you get your blood sugar under control, you appetite will diminish substantially, and you wont be so God-damned thirsty all the time. Good luck, my man. I’m pulling for you. Get out there and beat this thing!

What did they say about your gout? Do you have it? I have it, my uric acid was off the charts before I even began drinking.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

This is straight out of my anatomy book…………(7th edition, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Written by G. J. Tortora and S. R. Grabowski)

Diabetes Mellitus is a group of disorders that all lead to an elevation of glucose (sugar) in the blood. As hyperglycemia increases, there is also loss of glucose in the urine (glucosuria). Hallmarks of diabetes mellitus are the three ‘polys’: an inability to reabsorb water, resulting in excessive urine production, escessive thirst, and excessive eating.

The two major types of diabetes mellitus are Type 1 and Type 2. In type 1, there is an absolute deficiency of insulin. Type 1 is called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) because regular injections of insulin are required to prevent death. It previously was known as juvenile-onset because it most commonly develops in people younger than age 20, although it persists throughout life. ………………………

……………….Type 2 diabetes is much more common that type 1, representing more than 90% of all cases. Type 2 most often occurs in people over 40 but not necessarily waiting till that age and overweight. Since type 2 diabetes usually occurs later in life it previously was called maturity-onset. Clinical symptoms are mild, and the high glucose levels in the blood usually can be controlled by diet, exercise, and weight loss. Sometimes, an antidiabetic drug such as glyburide is needed. Many type 2 diabetics, however, have a sufficient amount or even a surplus of insulin in the blood. For these people, diabetes arises not for m a shortage of insulin, but because cells become less sensitive to it, probably through down-regulation of insulin receptors. Type 2 diabetes is therefore called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). However, some NIDDM patients do need insulin.

…”you are WAY too young to have Type II…”. (As posted by heltoupee.) As you can see, while normally type 2 is a later onset, it can strike anyone, age non related. Juvenile or type 1, is most common in younger people, as it said, up to age 20. Let me further state that type 1, you make no insulin at all, you are completely dependent on an outside insulin injection, with type 2, you make it, just can’t use it. Iwant8inches needs to listen to his doctor for his treatment options. Normally, usually, most frequently, but not always, type 2 can be controlled through diet and exercise.

I too have lost friends to diabetes, but ya know what, they didn’t follow the advice given to them. They figured they knew more than the doctors. They are both dead right now; one lost toes, her vision and all sorts of fun stuff before she finally passed on. She told me that she wishes she had listened more carefully when the doctor told her to stop eating certain foods, and to give up the booze. By then, it was to late.

I hope that this will help educate some of us on the differences between the two most common forms of diabetes. A third type, Diabetes Insipidus is not as common (thank goodness).

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


I did get a 2nd opinion and once again, they told me that I had type 2, not type 1. They also said some of the things that you said regarding my age, and that my cholesterol levels were extremely high. I was so concerned about what they were saying about my diabetes, that I forgot to ask what my levels were. The “primary reason” as they called it, for my diabetes was my weight. This must be the case because both doctors said this.

I have a feeling, though, that I have had diabetes for a long time and just not noticed it. The other night, my wife and I were looking at some of my old pictures and remember vacations we took together. The one thing that struck a chord was when she said “remember how tired you were, you didn’t want to do anything”. Since I was about 22, this has been the case. Any time that I am subjected to any kind of strenuous physical activity, I become extremely tired. This, according to what my 1st doctor said, is a symptom of diabetes.

Also, I know that I am a big pain in the ass at restaurants. I must ask the waitress for more water or tea at least 10 times every time I go to eat somewhere, so you are 100% right about the thirsty symptoms. This, too, is part of my diabetes.

I am a mailman for the U.S. Postal Service, and I am the youngest employee in my station. I have a lot of help and advice from my older peers, several having diabetes. They are very supportive, but a little sad that someone my age has the disease. It is very frustrating, especially when they tell me that they only developed the disease after “30 years of drinking” or other things. I hate the fact that in this sense I have to become a older person in the way I view things overnight. I want so much for this to just go away, but I know that it won’t.

They did give me a “monitor” that I am suppose to use daily to stick my finger and check my blood sugar, and so far, I have been able to get it down to 115 - 145. The pills that they have me on are called AVANDAMET. I believe that they are “melaformin (sp?)”. I am also taking XENICAL for weight loss. I am taking the Avandamet twice a day, 1 in the morning and 1 at night. The Xenical is 3 times a day, with each meal. If anyone has had experience with these pills, please tell me.

Also, I have another question. When I come home from work, my blood sugar levels are the lowest of the day, usually around 120. But when I wake up in the morning, they are still extremely high, usually around 180 or higher…what gives?

thanks guys

Hi IW10,

This is my second attempt to post here, I tried last morning at 1:45 a.m. but wasn’t able to. The questions and advices I had for you are already posted.

Listen to the advice you’re getting here. Sunshine, Horsehung, Dr. Schwanz and Heltoupee are giving you pretty sound recommendations.

Today, diabetes is considered a chronic manageable disease. However, discipline following the treatment is crucial to succeed at keeping it at bay. You need to lose body fat (not the same as losing weight), change habits and lifestyle. Watch your diet very carefully, exercise and continue PE. You need to protect the vascular system in all your body, including your dick. Vascular deterioration is one of the main causes of impotence in diabetics.

If you do have Type II diabetes, chances are that losing body fat alone will reduce the severity of the disease, diminishing -in turn- the need for medication.

I cannot stress enough the need for you to exercise and acquire good diet habits. Stay away from carbs, in particular refined sugars. Watch out for hidden sources of sugars, don’t believe the labels “No Sugar Added” or “Sugar Free”. Read the ingredients in anything you ingest. Many products ending in “tol” are -in fact- sugars: Manitol, Sorbitol, Maltitol, etc.. Don’t indulge in sweets that contain them even if they’re intended for diabetics. Read about the disease, inform yourself as much as you can.

Diabetes is a serious disease. If you take it seriously and act accordingly, you’ll keep it under control. Don’t fool around with it, my father did and died at 62, 18 years after being diagnosed. As a matter of fact I am a good candidate to getting it, too.

Please keep us posted on your progress and be sure that with the right attitude you’ll succeed.

Take care,

I got diagnosed with hypoglycemia(too much insulin) 2 weeks ago.

It’s diet and testing for me. The finger pricks suck at first, but you get used to it.

I’m 25, by the way…

Type II diabetic here also, controlled by exercise, diet, pills.
One of things that has helped me tremendously is to know what foods trigger a “high” gylcemic response in me. (these triggers differ from person to person)

For example-I get an increase in blood sugar of about 80 points from eating a single slice of white bread….and only get a rise of 20 or so from eating a bowl of ice cream!!!!!

The thing that makes diabetes such a horrible disease is that it is subject to constant change-hence the need for closely monitoring blood glucose levels.

Regular exercise-even as easy as walking 30 minutes a day will benefit you almost as much, if not more so, than any medication. Try taking your blood sugar levels before and after your walk-you’ll be amazed.

Unchecked diabetes can lead to, among others, heart disease, blindness, and God forbid: IMPOTENCE!!!!! (IF JUST FOR THAT ALONE-WATCH YOURSELF)

Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help/encourage you.

You can control this!

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


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