Grapefruit Alert!!!
I have been taking Viagra as prescribed by my urologist. Awhile back I noticed that I was getting addicted to the stuff. I was only getting an erection if I took Viagra.
This is when I started doing research and ended up here doing PE. Today I am suppose to go to the urologist and I was going to tell him how Viagra was working and maybe change prescriptions. When I got out the bottle of Viagra I noticed a little label that the pharmacist put on the outside.
“Do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice while taking this medication”
First time I ever saw that!!!
Every morning I have a half of grapefruit. Lately because of the hurricanes in Florida the grapefruits are smaller. So my dear wife has been cutting up a whole little grapefruit and giving it to me. So for the last 2 months, at least, My intake of grapefruit has been increased by 33%.
After my Doctors appointment I’ll post what he saids about this.