Gray hair
Hi, guys! I have a problem with gray hair. I am in my high twenties and I have them on my head and some even on my balls. This really bothers me and I would really like to change that, I am too young for this.
I am an athletic guy who plays sports, workouts and enjoys active life, but I went through a big dose of stress in my life. Since I was 13years I was participating (had no choice) in gang fights and was always on the lookout because the conflict was about to happen everywhere. Could not drink any alcohol or stuff like that because I had to be ready to fight in any moment…..and that is how I pretty much spent my puberty, then I moved out and that was it.
And now I’m a sad and shy guy (not so shy like when I was in my teens) who keeps worrying for no reason. People tell me that I look handsome, take care of myself and ask me what do I do to look like this but deep in my mind I don’t believe them…..I guess its just me. I got little carried away with typing this. Anywhy.
Looking up on the internet for gray hair remedy, I saw that there is no help to this, but also I discovered this video