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Having longer sex-thread

Having longer sex-thread

I know there are some threads about having longer sex.
Of course to kegel every day will help you to hold back your orgasm.
But I would like to start this thread as a collection thread where any ideas, techniques and so on should be posted.
Maybe, if there is enough response, it could be pinned so that everybody can see it at the top.
Cause the longest dick is useless if you can’t use it long enough.

So I start now with my small wisdom about sex(I’m 20 - hope that some real experienced men could help)
I think you can split the techniques for longer sex in physical(kegel for example) and mental(breathing for example)

-) First of all to kegel every day is really important to me
-) Kegel before intercourse(while foreplay) seems to help me to control my orgasm later while having sex
-) Just tried yesterday: at the beginning of intercourse, I penetrate her as deep as I can and stay in this position for some seconds without moving - this helps me to “get used” to the feeling and I think it makes her damn hot(think I touched her .. For the first time-thanks to PE and to this forum)
-) I sometimes slip out, do some strong kegels and then continue the penetration(think this little break makes my girlfriend wild for more)
-) Kegel while having sex
-) Change positions to have some time to relax
-) Deep breathing also seems to help me to “breath out” my horniness
-) The right position(for me doggy style is fucking hot-so I’m used to do it at the end or just short time between other positions, with her on top I am able to hold it back easier and she likes this position most)
-) A little bit of moaning and talking(her name for instance) also seems useful to me - and I think she likes it too
-) Having sex more than once in a night
-) Try to relax
-) A little bit of alcohol also works sometimes

Another thing that happened to me 3 years ago(and only this time) was that I had sex with my girlfriend and already felt the orgasm but then I was able to hold it back. After this I was able to really pound her hard without getting limp or come.

So thats all for now - if anything new crosses my mind, I let you know

And now please let me know from your experience and wisdom.
Any comments are welcome.
I will also try qi gong as soon as possible - maybe I can adapt some parts for having longer sex
Anybody knows tantra? Somewhere here in the forum I read about acupuncture, so I think acupressure can also help, if you know the right points

Looking forward to your posts / sorry for the bad English -correct me if you like

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Did, I think we could continue this in German, but I think nobody would fancy that.
So, from my experience I have two things I do that makes me go on for longer (sometimes up to an hour and more)

First, I occasionally think of things that are not very sexy I getting too aroused. It can be anything, but not anything sexy. That keeps me going and cools me down a bit.

Second, If that doesn’t help anymore, I change positions. First of all, that gives me a few seconds rest. But more important, there are some positions I fancy more than others. So I get into a position that are not my most favorites to cool me down a bit.

Maybe I have a different definition of sex, but I believe in foreplay. I love to blissfully torment a girl before, after, and during sex. You could call it foreplay, if that simplifies it for you.

The brain is the largest sex organ of either sex. If one makes full use of it, amazing things can happen. For me, the foreplay starts way before even getting to the spot/location where the sex takes place.

By extremely liberal using of touching, kissing, licking, etc.. you can easily “buy” yourself more time. Think of it as dumping some romance into the crude mechanics of sex.

There are a few tantra related threads here on the forum. If you a search, you should easily drag them up.

Everyone’s English is excellent so far in the thread. For a second or further removed language, I understand everything you have said so far with no problems. There is also some sound advice dropped in so far.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Exactly what I was thinking about twat. The best way is probably to redefine “having longer sex” entirely, to think of more like making love. A good way to start is to get used to include more and more sensuality into the regular sessions, licking and kissing, massaging, squeezing more and more of each other, before, during and after the actual intercourse. See what you like the most. Your ejaculation should not be where it all stops. If you feel you cannot hold back any longer, just pull out before it happens and lick her to orgasm. Then work her up again with those sensual bag of tricks you learned, give her a second round, and so on. If you ejaculate, no worries. She applies some favourite sensual stuff on you, preparing you for another round. That way it is possible to make love until you just can’t take anymore, falling asleep in each others arms after many hours. Who’s counting hours after a session like that? :)

If you’re with a long-time partner and know each others bodies well, it helps if you and she have a prearranged signal which you can give her when you get dangerously close to ejaculating before you are ready to and are still not quite over the edge. She can then stop any counter-thrusting she is doing, or Kegeling if she does that, and give you a sufficient break to fall back from the impending orgasm before resuming your strokes.

This technique is also advantageous to the woman; each little “break” and resumption tends to highten her own arrousal level, making it more possible for you to cum together when you are ready.



Did, what’s a qi gong??

When nearing orgasm, press down on your prostate. It’s located in the taint area (between your nutsack and your asshole). Place your hand there and gently push in repeatedly (sort of like “pumping the prostate”) It’s kind of like a kegal in the sense that it can ward off the impending orgasm when you do it.

But breathing and Kegaling are the masters of controlling ejaculation, hands down. IMO

The best way to make it last longer is take care of her before beginning intercourse and then don’t worry about how long you last. Worrying about cumming too quick is a major mistake. If you do, then just continue to pleasure her. Once you stop worrying about it I think you will find you will last longer. Let her know that round one is just a warm-up anyway. Also, with the easy availabiltiy of generic viagra I don’t know why and guy wouldn’t have some available for those times when he knows she is going to want a marathon. Maybe i am simplifying it too much, but it has always worked for me.

"If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me?"-- Ronnie Van Zandt

Having longer BETTER sex

Originally Posted by did
And now please let me know from your experience and wisdom.

Sounds like you have plenty of that already. Good routine. Very specific.

Personally, I find cocaine and Viagra work best for me.
Wait, did I just post that?

The Multi-Orgasmic Man
Male Multiple Orgasm: Step-by-Step

The book The Multi-Orgasmic Man was what led me to believe that PE was possible.
And also allowed me to develop skills to make women my slaves!
Wait, did I just post that?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 02-12-2005 at .

Thank you mr. Happy for the good links and for referencing this thread in one of your others post of premature ejaculation.

Here is another link to a thread I’d like to post

It’s about tantric sex: Tantric sex

Very good links to tantra-sites and also good articles from the thread-starter(iamaru)

I’m gonna start now to become multi-orgasmic - hope it will work someday

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Originally Posted by Nemanja
Did, what’s a qi gong??

http://www.natu … es/howell3.html

Very close to Tai Chi.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

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