Having women check you out, not used to it!!
At the risk of sounding arrogant (I am not) or vain (a little but not overly!) I will keep it short.
At university and in my final year now.
Probably in the best physical shape (lift a lot of weights and go running a lot)
Wear better clothes (I used to wear jogging pants and cheap white T shirts, now I wear cheap jeans and T shirts)
Acne has nearly completely gone (I strongly recommend vitex chasteberry for this, cheap, herbal, and very effective!)
No glasses or contact lenses (LASEK surgery)
I do not check women out beyond a quick glance (1 s at the most) because I used to have a habit of staring (not at women but at things I thought were weird, say a man wearing woman’s dress on a night out)
Recently I noticed that a lot of women are ‘checking me out’ or staring/looking at me when I pass then, eyes mostly towards my chest area. At first I thought that I was imagining it as I do not pay that much attention to women at the moment (too busy, or the vitex) but it’s there. Today I counted at least 15 (absolute glances). And no I do not wear anything weird or have anything sticking out (no redness or anything like that) on my face or body! I double checked in the gents just to be sure.
Basically I have always been told that I am quite good looking (someone suggested modelling at some point, forgotten) but I never thought myself a ‘David Beckham’.
And in addition my female housemate has a habit of touching me in dodgy areas (one on the bum, one on the hips, and one on the hands), I do not mind that but I get a little embarassed by it.
The stupid thing is that I am actually bisexual (yes I have accepted that now, its undeniable), but I do not come across as gay whatsoever.
So what the Bush do you do when you get checked out all the time by women? And how do you deal with a handsy housemate?