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herpes and sex


herpes and sex

Hey guys. Long time no post.

I’ve had genital herpes for 5 years now. I don’t really get outbreaks anymore but maybe once a year, if that, and when I do get one, it is barely noticeable. I don’t let it have a huge impact on my life.

I’ve read and learned just about everything possible on the web about it. I’ve had sex many times with a condom on and have never passed it on to anyone. I’ve also gotten head a substantial amount of times and have never passed it on to anyone’s mouth or anywhere at all for that matter. I am very safe about it and make sure I do not even engage in sexual activity when I have an outbreak.

The thing I cannot find anywhere on the web or do not know anyone to ask this about is the following:

To those who actually have the virus or have had it for some time, have you had unprotected vaginal sex and not passed it on? I really want to have unprotected sex but am greatly afraid of passing it on to a partner.

I don’t need any more information about the virus or shedding or anything like that because like I previously mentioned, I already know this. I really want to hear from those with experience or if you could link me to a page with answers, that’d be great. If anyone could help, I’d greatly appreciate it.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

If you are having sex with people, protected or not, and are not informing them first, you are one of the many contributors to the astounding statistics coming in recently from HSV2. The virus is actually becoming more common than gential warts. I don’t want to put you down, but I just can’t believe things like this happen. Do you inform them (the partner) ahead of time? How do you know you’ve never given it to someone else? Do you really think people would share this information if they did get it from you? You can spread herpes with a condom and even if you don’t have an outbreak; the disease is relevant in all skin tissue surrounding the infected area; it is just much more easily transmitted when an outbreak occurs; Herpes CAN infect ANY part of your body! Even your eyes.

I’ve never had it, but YOU should find people who also have it and then not worry about transmitting the STD. There are plenty of websites you can use to find people with the same condition. One in ten people in the United States is infected with Herpes Simplex 2; that’s 10% of our population. The number of people, who are unaware that they have it, is even more alarming (somewhere around 43%). So, well over 3 million people in the US alone have Herpes and, about 1.4 million of them are not even aware of it. Sorry to bore you with the numbers but this is important for others reading the thread as well.

I know all of this. I know none of them have been infected because I have been in contact with them still to this day. Plus there is much more info I could go into but that is not what I created this thread for. I appreciate your concern.

Any answers to my original question? Could we please stay on topic?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by Thick Cock

…Any answers to my original question? Could we please stay on topic?

It appears to me that Scotty was on topic. Your thread is entitled, “herpes and sex.” He talked about herpes and sex.



I almost certainly have it because my finance has it, but I’ve never had an outbreak despite many, many instances of unprotected sex with her over 6 years. However, I think that I’m one of the “lucky” symptom-less cases in that regard. We’re in it for the long haul, but from time to time I think about what would happen if we broke up and I had to start all over again with possibly having herpes.

So…no new info, but I wanted to let you know that I’m in a similar boat.

Originally Posted by avocet8

It appears to me that Scotty was on topic. Your thread is entitled, “herpes and sex.” He talked about herpes and sex.

Sorry. I meant question.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by BossaNova
I almost certainly have it because my finance has it, but I’ve never had an outbreak despite many, many instances of unprotected sex with her over 6 years. However, I think that I’m one of the “lucky” symptom-less cases in that regard. We’re in it for the long haul, but from time to time I think about what would happen if we broke up and I had to start all over again with possibly having herpes.

So…no new info, but I wanted to let you know that I’m in a similar boat.

Thank you.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
If I had herpes I don’t think I’d tell anyone. One loose set of lips, and you aren’t going to ever get pussy again. DUH!

That makes my blood boil. Some HIV positive people share your logic.

Current (Sept 15, 2011) BPEL - 7.6 MSEG - 5.8

Goal 8 x 6 (preferably NBPEL)

Had a friend tell me about his herpes the other day when he was drunk. Really made me reevaluate my sex life. I mean, we’d often go out as a team & bring back girls, & probably around half the time I’d be drunk & raw dog. He told me he does the same thing.

Hey guys, between 50 and 80 percent of the pop has herpes, most people have no clue they have it

You can safely assume if you’re having sex your partner has it, just make that assumption and take care of yourself in bed

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
If I had herpes I don’t think I’d tell anyone. One loose set of lips, and you aren’t going to ever get pussy again. DUH!

How responsible of you! I’m having a hard time believing that a person could be so selfish! Time evaluate your thinking. I’m sure it would be okay if a girl hid that has HIV, because she just wants your dick?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
How responsible of you! I’m having a hard time believing that a person could be so selfish! Time evaluate your thinking. I’m sure it would be okay if a girl hid that has HIV, because she just wants your dick?

One example is an acquaintance of mine who evidently had herpes. That information spread so fast around the campus party community. He had no problems pulling ass before and was a pretty smooth guy. He had a much harder time after that. He had no clue so many people knew, poor guy. Is it right what happened to him? People announcing such information at a party is more fucked up than said guy/girl actually having protected sex.

If he wouldn’t have told anyone he could still be pulling some hot ass. I could understand telling a close guy friend. I’d never tell a girl anything secret.

Do I think he should use condoms every time? Yes. Other than that, it’s not his problem. Too many people are too irresponsible to handle being told someone has an STD. I’ve had two women personally tell me they had an STD before we had sex. We took the necessary precautions and still had a good time. And no, I didn’t tell anyone.

Herpes and HIV are quite different diseases. One is life threatening. However, the chances of spreading HIV are apparently quite low and with condom usage is almost impossible to spread. Plus, it’s really concentrated in gay and black communities, so it’s easier to avoid.

What John Holmes did was fucked up. If you currently have an active STD (non-HPV) I don’t think someone should be having sex period if they know about it. It should only take a week or two for a doctor to take care of it, then you can get back on to getting some. Most STDs aren’t that big of a deal and are pretty easy to avoid. If someone has had sex with at least 4 people, they practically have a 100% chance of having HPV, with or without condoms. So I think people blow this way out of proportion.

Well said 10inch.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
One example is an acquaintance of mine who evidently had herpes. That information spread so fast around the campus party community. He had no problems pulling ass before and was a pretty smooth guy. He had a much harder time after that. He had no clue so many people knew, poor guy. Is it right what happened to him? People announcing such information at a party is more fucked up than said guy/girl actually having protected sex.

If he wouldn’t have told anyone he could still be pulling some hot ass. I could understand telling a close guy friend. I’d never tell a girl anything secret.

Do I think he should use condoms every time? Yes. Other than that, it’s not his problem. Too many people are too irresponsible to handle being told someone has an STD. I’ve had two women personally tell me they had an STD before we had sex. We took the necessary precautions and still had a good time. And no, I didn’t tell anyone.

Herpes and HIV are quite different diseases. One is life threatening. However, the chances of spreading HIV are apparently quite low and with condom usage is almost impossible to spread. Plus, it’s really concentrated in gay and black communities, so it’s easier to avoid.

What John Holmes did was fucked up. If you currently have an active STD (non-HPV) I don’t think someone should be having sex period if they know about it. It should only take a week or two for a doctor to take care of it, then you can get back on to getting some. Most STDs aren’t that big of a deal and are pretty easy to avoid. If someone has had sex with at least 4 people, they practically have a 100% chance of having HPV, with or without condoms. So I think people blow this way out of proportion.

Very true but people seem to only care about the STDs that can kill them i dont think people will take herpes seriously until it kills someone.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

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