Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How To Remove Strong Penis Odours

No joke, if you are uncut washing your glans with soap will make it smell worse. It upsets the bacterial balance.

I got into this vicious cycle whereby I would find I had smegma and stank penis just hours after washing, so I would wash again, then it would smell bad an even shorter time later and so on.

Now I pump before a shower, and in the shower just wash off the leftover lube (no soap used). It never smells bad now, and no smegma. Soap is a bad thing to be using on your penis.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I have back acne, not too bad but bad enough I’ve been taking tetralysal 300 for a year plus now. The tablets do nothing except stop the itchiness. Thank you very much I will try to get my hands on that soap! Again thanks!

Back acne in adults is quite often caused by standing under hot showers for too long. Try short lukewarm showers and see if it improves.


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