Ok, my case is inverse of yours. It means, I always had girls with meaty lips. The one I got now has tiny microscopical lips. I was shocked first time ! I told her “hey, where are your lips? Oh, here! are so tiny! She wasn´t upset, just smiled back to me.
I learned to suck this new vagina. Everithing was easier to find, no doubt. She is all external lips and then the clit and the “entrance”.
But, it’s cool to have a long meaty lips vagina in your mouth too! And is not that hard to find clit and entrance .
Just use your tongue to suck those lips, they will open up . If not, use one finger or tongue to separate them. Above those lips is the clit, just where they join.
If you can, tell her you want to see her pussy and play around! They normaly love it!
Inicio 23/1/12 BPF :11.7 - BPE: 17cm -GE: 12.8cm
Actual : BPF: 12 - BPE 17,5cm - GE: 13,5 cm
Meta: BPE:20 x GE 14 o 15 o hasta que chille!