Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I cant stand sloppy vagina!...


Originally posted by powerpeep
If it's lower than standard, I lower the standard.

I just love that. I’m going to adopt that as my philosophy for living…

…to a point. Even I have a limit for how low I will go.

Funny, my last GF was what we call here in France “an open kabob”. She had lips and meat for days! The outer lips used to get all tangled up and crossed, then they would also get sucked in while we were having sex( sometimes painful for her.). But my dick is average at 5 inch girth and 5 1/4 long, and have never had any complaints but am enjoying learning about PE. She also said that she was with one guy that was 10 long and and it was painful but she still went back to it! She said it closed some positions and open others, I guess that makes sense as they could have sex from across the room!LOL!

big lipped girls are awesome, appreciate that you’re a lucky dude

Big lips are the best. Huge turn on for me.

No such thing as “Sloppy Pussy” in my opinion. I think they are all beautiful and desirable, but those that are you describe to me are the most attractive. Large inner lips give you so much to play with and enjoy especially during oral -which is my main calling in life! I get really aggravated when I hear of women getting labiaplasti or lip reduction surgery because they have been sold some bill of goods saying that their vulva’s are abnormal. I blame porn for all of this!

As a guy I knew in high school once confided: “Pussy is pussy”.

I love all pussy man. You need to learn to enjoy the variety because as they say it is the spice of life. If it’s something you’re genuinely not into so be it however, don’t let your friends opinions especially about sloppy pussy and shit like that deter you. I guarantee you all your friends would bang sloppy pussy with out giving it a second thought. Anyway it’s all a matter of taste and I assume you are in your late teens or early twenties. You will see like everything else your taste will develop. Think of like beer or alcohol, when you were 10 or 12 it must have been awful being college now I’m sure you do your fair share of drinking.

Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"

Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"

Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"

Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics

All I have to say is, Yum!

Ok, my case is inverse of yours. It means, I always had girls with meaty lips. The one I got now has tiny microscopical lips. I was shocked first time ! I told her “hey, where are your lips? Oh, here! are so tiny! She wasn´t upset, just smiled back to me.

I learned to suck this new vagina. Everithing was easier to find, no doubt. She is all external lips and then the clit and the “entrance”.

But, it’s cool to have a long meaty lips vagina in your mouth too! And is not that hard to find clit and entrance .

Just use your tongue to suck those lips, they will open up . If not, use one finger or tongue to separate them. Above those lips is the clit, just where they join.

If you can, tell her you want to see her pussy and play around! They normaly love it!

Inicio 23/1/12 BPF :11.7 - BPE: 17cm -GE: 12.8cm

Actual : BPF: 12 - BPE 17,5cm - GE: 13,5 cm

Meta: BPE:20 x GE 14 o 15 o hasta que chille!


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