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I have chronic prostate inflammation - due to edging?


I have chronic prostate inflammation - due to edging?

I suffer from premature ejaculation. I had been practicing edging for about a year and a half, from January 2004 to summer 2005. In December 2005, I went to an ultrasound medical examination which had nothing to do with my prostate, but the doctor noticed that my prostate was round, and therefore that it wasn’t really in perfect health. That was the first sign of the problems to come. The pains in the area above my penis began in summer 2006, when I was diagnosed with chronic prostate inflammation.

Since then, I’ve been taking some medication which serves as some “alpha blocker” (whatever that means, I am terrible with biology). This medication has served me well in relieving me of the symptoms, but it is not the cure, and in the past few months I had to increase the dosage I am taking. BTW, I am 30.

Since “regular” doctors were unable to help me, I turned to the alternative methods, and, fortunately, I met a doctor who prepares really great teas, and I have had some success with that treatment.

However, I am not here to ask you about prostate inflammation treatment, I want to ask you about the cause. I didn’t have all that much success with edging, since I still suffer from premature ejaculation. I gave up edging in summer 2005, because I found myself platoing at a certain level of “stamina” for more then six months, if I remember correctly. Recently I remembered reading here in a thread “Seminal Kung Fu”:

there are benefits to one’s sexual function all along the path to SKF mastery. There are risks too. Principle among them is the risk of prostate enlargement due to seminal retention. At the very least, manage your risk by monitoring of your prostate. If you have a healthy prostate, based on my experience, once one has activated one’s MO, the risk to one’s prostate disappears and is replaced with a benefit to one’s prostate. In the case of a man with a less than healthy prostate, I’m unable to say whether the risk of prostate enlargement (or maybe worse, I don’t know) attendant with pursuing SKF is an acceptable risk or not (in fact I can’t say for anyone, irrespective of prostate health, if its an acceptable risk). I can say that in accordance with traditional Taoist teachings, illnesses can be cured with SKF practice. My experience corroborates that. The slightly enlarged prostate that I experienced (likely due to seminal retention) prior to achieving SKF mastery was cured (to extremely healthy condition) once I did achieve mastery. The bitch is that it takes SKF mastery to effect healing of illnesses while the getting to mastery can cause illness. But life’s a big ball of risks isn’t it?

I didn’t hold the semen at the end of my edging sessions, I always ejaculated in the end, but I wonder - could edging be the cause of my illness? I edged last night, for example, and afterwards I felt pain in the area above my penis, in fact, I feel pain there right now. After edging, it was sharp pain, kind of like when a bee stings you, now, some 12 hours later, the pain is kind of dull.

If edging is so bad for my prostate, I really don’t know what to do. Because even when I use topical creams to reduce sensitivity for sex, I still go into edging when excitement increases.

Also, I need to tell you that, while edging, I have not only precum dropping out, I also somehow partially ejaculate, meaning I can eject some ejaculate fluid in a stream of fluid (without any ejaculation contractions). This happens if I stop stimulation at the peak, otherwise I would ejaculate fully.

Guys, what do you say to all this?

(Don’t waste time to advise me to go to an another urologist. Urologists in my country (and neighboring countries as well) simply plain suck. PLEASE trust me on this and don’t tell me to go seek another one. You will just piss me off. :) )

I’m not sure what to say but maybe you should try picking up some Propecia it was made to treat enlarged prostates before it became famous for the hair thing.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

You’re kidding me, right?

Did they check your urine and/or prostate fluid for infection?

They did check urine and found nothing. They didn’t do prostate fluid examination although I asked three different doctors for it, and none of them were willing to perform the examination. I told you that urologists here suck.

On the other hand, I really don’t think that infection is behind this. I practice safe sex, besides, all info I found on the net state that 95% of prostatitis cases are non infectious.

Originally Posted by Nemanja
(Don’t waste time to advise me to go to an another urologist. Urologists in my country (and neighboring countries as well) simply plain suck. PLEASE trust me on this and don’t tell me to go seek another one. You will just piss me off. )

Wouldn’t want you to be pissed off.

Urologists suck here, too, if that’s any consolation.

Dino’s idea might be worth looking into.

I’m hoping some of the more medically knowledgable will get here.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night; but I’ll chime in.

Nemanja, is there a history of prostate inflammation in your family? Like your Dad, a Grandfather, a great grandfather, uncles????? Are you taking anything for this condition????? Saw Palmetto is suppose to be a good natural remedy if you will for prostate and urinary problems in men. I don’t think that edging is the root cause of the problem, I do suspect something else is going on.

As far as the doctors not wanting to perform a test that you requested, you have to be very firm and tell the doctor that you understand he doesn’t think its necessary, but you do and its your body and you want this test done. Its called practicing medicine for a reason, they don’t have all of the answers and we as patients have to stand up for our rights to good quality medical care. Force the issue in other words.

While we can offer suggestions for you to try, only a doctor is going to be able to fix the problem. You are doing the right thing by asking questions, Google inflamed prostate and see what you get; be more informed when you go back to a doctor. And yes, urologist suck, but they are a necessary evil (at least to men).

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I am a doc, but certainly not a prostate expert.

If I remember correctly, chronic prostatits is a difficult condition to treat in particular if there is no real cause (like an inflammation-producing bacteria).

In any case, I remember that frequent ejaculations (once a day or more) are advised (while edging would be the counterproductive). The idea is that the ejaculations kind of clean up the prostate. Frequent ejaculations btw could be of some benefit with your premature ejaculation problem as well).

Give it a try, have some fun at the same time and enjoy getting rid of your prostatitis.

(I would not suggest medications that would make the prostate smaller at this point - try the natural approach).

Later - ttt

You got your bloodwork done? Estrogen is evil

In addition, estrogens have also been implicated in the development of prostatic inflammation.

Complete estrogen blockade (in a manner analogous to androgen deprivation via targeting 5{alpha}R activity) using aromatase inhibitors to treat PCa has been attempted in a number of prior studies, the results of which were surprisingly inconclusive. Initial trials reported that the administration of first and second generation aromatase inhibitors (e.g. Aminoglutethimide) may be a valuable therapeutic option for patients with androgen-independent and/or advanced PCa

A pivotal role for estrogen in prostate inflammation is evident from our previous studies on estrogen action using the hypogonadal (hpg) and ArKO mouse models. When exposed to estradiol for 6 weeks, we have shown that mature hpg mice demonstrate a proliferative response within the prostatic stroma and epithelium

Endocrinology is quite complicated :D

Quick google came up with this

Last edited by 7i667 : 10-07-2007 at . Reason: Late Google

Originally Posted by 7i667
You got your bloodwork done? Estrogen is evil

Endocrinology is quite complicated :D

Quick google came up with this


sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Here’s what happens when you edge: You stimulate both your prostate and your seminal vesicles to produce more and more fluid within them as you continue the stimulation. If your prostate were normal, this would not cause you any discomfort so long as you ejaculated now and then. However, in a prostate that is already enlarged or inflamed, the congestion that results from edging causes pain or discomfort in the end. You’ve found that edging causes you a good deal of pain. STOP edging until you get your prostate and s. vesicles totally calmed out. The alpha blocker you are taking may do that, but there are other medications, too, that could help.

Prostatitis is a serious puzzler to medical folks, if there is no bacterial evidence to support a diagnosis of bacterial infection. Sometimes you need to find a urologist who has enough interest in prostatitis to become a detective for you and hunt around: significantly-long duration cultures of prostate fluid or semen (five days instead of the normal three days) is one route. I have talked with two urologists who are very good in their fields and believe that _all_ chronic prostatitis begins, at least, with a bacterial infection. And you can get one through non-sexual ways.

Ticktick gave you some good advice. Ejaculate frequently without a lot of edging; go ahead and cum. This will help to clear the little nooks and crannies of your prostate of “nests” of bacteria, if there are any, and help your alpha drug to do its own work.

Teas: Several men in a prostate forum I once belonged to said that green tea gave them some relief of prostate symptoms. Tea never did anything for me, but it may help you. If it does, drink up. Saw palmetto didn’t do anything for me, yet my urologist said it helped some of his patients.

Last: I cannot believe that there are no real good urologists in your country. You haven’t done enough homework yet to find one.



Re whomever you quoted: “I’m unable to say whether the risk of prostate enlargement (or maybe worse, I don’t know) attendant with pursuing SKF is an acceptable risk or not (in fact I can’t say for anyone, irrespective of prostate health, if its an acceptable risk). I can say that in accordance with traditional Taoist teachings, illnesses can be cured with SKF practice. My experience corroborates that. The slightly enlarged prostate that I experienced (likely due to seminal retention) prior to achieving SKF mastery was cured (to extremely healthy condition) once I did achieve mastery. The bitch is that it takes SKF mastery to effect healing of illnesses while the getting to mastery can cause illness.”

I also do not get the logic, at all, of practicing something that causes a problem then using the same practice to get rid of the problem.



Thank’s for all your effort.
Actually, I didn’t intend to ask you about prostatitis in general, and advice how to cure it. I think that I am doing what I can. The herbal treatment that I am on seems to be giving results, and I will probably, once again, experiment with lowering the dosage of the medicine I am taking (starting tonight).

I was hoping that some of the members, who posted about edging and prostatitis before, will notice this topic and write a line or two. Maybe I’ll look for these members and PM them to take a look at this topic.

Originally Posted by Nemanja
Thank’s for all your effort.
Actually, I didn’t intend to ask you about prostatitis in general, and advice how to cure it. I think that I am doing what I can. The herbal treatment that I am on seems to be giving results, and I will probably, once again, experiment with lowering the dosage of the medicine I am taking (starting tonight).

I was hoping that some of the members, who posted about edging and prostatitis before, will notice this topic and write a line or two. Maybe I’ll look for these members and PM them to take a look at this topic.

Good luck.



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