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Ingrown hairs and laser treatment.

Ingrown hairs and laser treatment.

Hi guys. I’ve got a couple of seriously stubborn ingrown hairs which I haven’t been able to remove. I’ve got a consultation at a skin clinic tomorrow and have been told it’s unlikely I need to see a dermatologist and they can laser the area. The secretary I spoke to said it can be used for removing ingrown hairs too. I’m hoping my consultant can clarify this for me but I’m worried they might not give me the best advice just to ensure I pay for treatment. If anyone has experience in this area I’d appreciate any input. Surely I not only need to kill the follicle but remove it too. Will the laser destroy the hair so it doesn’t need to be evacuated? Kind Regards, IGB


Technically they specialize in removing a specific type of ingrown hair called Pseudofolliculitis barbae. What color is your skin, where is the hairs located, and what color is the hairs?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’m pale skinned with fairly dark brown hair. They are located on the underside of the shaft toward the base. It seems to be like maybe an inch long under the skin and it’s been interrupting the growth of other hairs in it’s path. I’ve tried keeping it clean, using pimple creams and teasing puss out and then tried to find the hair. It’s really sore looking, swelled and even a bit black from bruising. As it’s under the skin will a laser destroy it so it doesn’t have to be removed?

You may have a better and cheaper chance of just finding an electrolysis person in your area. Look for ones that have experience in this area and are willing like ones that work on TG people. Perhaps $200 to fix all the needed ingrowns vs having a whole area blasted over 6 months for $495 to 2k$.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I have just had my consultation. They gave me some Sensicure cream gel for £25 to reduce the swelling and I’ve got to go back in 2 weeks.

The treatment which covers 8 separate visits with 6 weeks between each is only gonna cost £85! Once the doctor has seen the picture they took today he may want to see me in person before treatment which would be an extra £150. I was told it’s not likely to happen though. The clinic is a Skin chain in Birmingham and the guy doing it is meant to be the lead laser specialist in Europe.

I asked about the hair staying under the skin and was told the laser won’t destroy the hair only the papilla. Once this is done they have creams to help encourage the hair out once shed, or possibly a different laser treatment to take a top layer off so the hair is more easily accessible.

If it’s only gonna cost £84 I wish I’d done it ages ago. IGB

I am suprised they are not going try and fuck you into a whole package of this or that to “gaurantee” the work like they used to when upselling that stuff in America.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Their guy believes 8 treatments is on average all that’s required. I asked what happens if I don’t need the full course and she said I can just keep them for top ups. I’d probably use them on other localised hairs than store them. Someone did offer the manzillian which had a hefty price tag. It’s bad enough having a laser on my cock, treatment on the balls scares the shit out of me due to the possibility of infertility. Quite funny that they said they can’t make patterns (not that I asked!). IGB.

I had one really bad ingrown hair on the side of my shaft, it got swollen and pussy just as yours did. I ended up digging it out, now there is a mark there and you can actually see the area where the hair was, kind of like a small line, weird!! Anyway it has still not gone away and it has been years, so try not to mess with it too much!! Now its even more prominent due to the discoloration from pe!!!

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