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Intense Headaches During Sex


Intense Headaches During Sex

Can this be moved to the sexual health forum please I can’t post there yet.

Anyway recently during sex I have been getting these really bad headaches and when I orgasm they become very intense and cause immense pain. I have no idea why this is happening because it doesn’t happen when I masturbate only during sex? It happens more intensely in positions where I am doing most of the work.

Start BPEL: 6 3/4 EG:5

Current BPEL: 7 EG:5

Sounds like you are straining yourself or something. Do you exercise or anything? Because I could imagine that if you are really out of shape and have sex then it can be very intense and exhausting for your body.

It could be due to inproper breathing, ive heard people getting intense headaches when they work out due to not breathing properly.. maybe try and focus on that next time?

I’m not sure which position you ‘do most of the work’ is But let’s assume it’s missionary. My guess is (I’m not a medical man) that you are supporting your body with elbows with arms bent or hands, with arms straight (this is getting to sound disgusting:) ) which means you are putting strain on your shoulders and back of the neck.

Intense working of the muscles, joints, etc. at the back of the head and neck are very likely to cause headaches. So perhaps a changing of position throwing the weight by moving to another position for a while might take the strain off your neck.

You could try easing the area by holding your chin line and ‘lifting’ it to move it, and the muscles which may have become fixed.

Hope that’s of some help.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

This happens when I drink or take viagra before sex, they arent that intense tho.

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

r0bb0 -

Could be neck or other spinal problems. It is important to get this looked into.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Yes, I used to have, still do at times, get over-whelming neck/headaches. I believe it’s related to straining to have an orgasm,and perhaps the missionary style ??

It used to literally leave me in a heap of pain after orgasm!! Scared me and it was also very embarassing!

Under-methylation/HISTADELIA sometimes manifest in the form of vascular headaches. High histamine types have also been known to also show a lower pain tolerance as well. Under-methylation usually almost always follows a path of low serotonin levels.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Google this. Could be serious but, probably is not. I occasionally get these as of late and have blamed it on herbs I recently started taking. Are you taking any herbs? I was on Ginkgo Biloba and Horny Goat Weed. Love the weed but for now I am off.

My pain started Many years ago! Not near as often now.but does pop up on ocassion.

To localize the was in the back on my neck.totally immobilizing.

The last episode was about 3 months ago,,,think I was trying to ejacuate too much “several times in one day,,,I’m 54”.causing a sprain.

Here’s a short but sweet piece on what are usually called “sex headaches.” Sort of what petitfaun is suggesting to you above.



I have had this to, never during sex only when I masturbate and it is almost like a quick migraine at the back of my head and neck. I personally have never had it checked out by a doctor or anything so I cannot say what it is but one thing I do know is that it happens more frequently when I have been drinking alcohol a lot and not much water but that is just me, try and look for signals in your own routines and I am sure you will find direction. Until then do not be too concerned but if it ever causes you to pass out or starts to become more frequent or even non sex related then definitely get it checked out.

Thanks yall .on looking back.think alcohol was indeed a factor but not entirely on all ocassions.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m in intense pain right now! I am exceptionally fit I’m 19 and a gym rat. I just started working out then and on the 3rd or 4the rep on the first set my head exploded with blinding pain, I use correct breathing and am a Fitness Instructor doing my personal trainer course at the moment and this has never happened before until now. The pain is in my temples and at the top of my skull it feels like and it throbs in time with my heartbeat.

Start BPEL: 6 3/4 EG:5

Current BPEL: 7 EG:5

I get pains at the back of my neck, maninly due to worn spinal discs due to rowing years ago.

I found a remedy by stretching my neck and taking the weight off the discs . In my house I have a stairway enclosed on both sides with walls. So I fixed a gymbar - normally used for doorways. between the two walls at a point where I could sit on the stairs below it.

Then I fixed one end of a ‘chest expander’ spring to the bar and used (You may not believe this but true it is) a horse harness , reversed so the top strap fited under my chin, and round the lower part of the back of my head and the other end fixed to the spring.. Then just sit on the stairs for a few minutes.

This lifts the head, and helps to relieve any neck ache. I’ve used this for some twenty yers now . Only occasionally, but it’s a blessing when I get stiffness and pain in the neck.

I always put a folded towel on the top of my head in case something comes unstuck (but it never has) I’m not quite sure what someone would think if they looked through the letter box on the front door and saw me sitting there - Perhaps someone could think of a suitable greeting. And No! I don’t feed myself lumps of sugar while doing it. :D

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 07-22-2008 at .

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