Is there something wrong with me?
Why can’t I maintain a 100% erection without stimulating? Is that normal, it fucking can’t be right? I mean surely you can leave your cock without any stimulation and it will stay pulsating hard - I remember when I was a little younger, fuck that, maybe a month ago, that that was the case.
It’s really starting to fuck with my head now, because I’ve had so many chances to lose my virginity but whenever it comes to it I start really stressing about keeping hard and I just can’t get it fucking in and then it goes soft and I’m like… FUCK!!!! I even went out today to some pharmacys to try and buy viagra just to lose my virginity with some semblence of confidence but I need a fucking prescription in England, fucking NHS bastards! I’m tempted to see my GP about it, and I’m 18, healthy as fuck, great blood pressure why me man, WHY ME??
No seriously, I mean what’s wrong with me? Could it be weed? I’m 18 I should be able to have rock hard erections all the time… and usually I do. It’s just when I know I’m extremely likely to get a fuck, that it seems to like… be dead. For example I know I’m going to get a fuck later, so I do some jelqing and stretching you know, because usually that helps to make it harder as we all know here but my cock just doesn’t even seem to respond. I’m jelqing a fucking 4 incher. It’s like… man, what happened. When I want it to work, it just doesn’t work??!!?!?
I’m not sure if PE has messed with my system or what, because before I rememeber I used to jelq and it would be hard every few strokes. I used to have trouble keeping it soft enough!! Now it’s hard to maintain a 40% erection!
Could it be edging? The only times it’s rock 100% hard is when I’m having a continous orgasm…
And also, how come when I get a blow-job it doesn’t feel that good, it feels like hardly anything to be precise?? No one has ever managed to get me off, I’m the only person who can get myself off…
I’ve started kegeling again today after searching the forums and finding similar topics, and I want to not get myself off for a couple of weeks as I’m sure that will help. I’ll cut down on fags and coffee and spliff, but man… you seriously want those things to forget the amount of times you could have fucked some really nice ass but you didn’t cause you can’t keep it hard. I’m lucky my girlfriend is in love otherwise I’d seriously be madly depressed.
Any friendly pat on the back kind of advice would do here, because I can see this being a major problem. I’m seriously considering becoming religious again, just to ask God for help with this. Seriously.
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