I”m bumping this old thread to see if the starter had any luck and to add my opinion on the subject. Their is a huge movement if you google squatting and pelvic floor lots of websites though mostly for women stress to stop doing kegels. A Kegel attempts to strengthen the pelvic floor, but it really only continues to pull the sacrum inward promoting even more weakness, and more PF gripping. The muscles that balance out the anterior pull on the sacrum are the glutes. A lack of glutes (having no butt) is what makes this group so much more susceptible to pelvic floor disorder (PFD). Zero lumbar curvature (missing the little curve at the small of the back) is the most telling sign that the pelvic floor is beginning to weaken. An easier way to say this is: Weak glutes + too many Kegels = PFD. So doing squats and kettlebell swings will completely strengthen target the glutes and stretch a tight pelvic floor, the trigger for PE. On a lot of body building websites like mention a lot of people mention curing their ED and PE with squats and dead lifts but think it’s because of raise testosterone and improved blood flow which it does do.
Another major reason for the need to focus on glutes is due to poor posture and tight hamstrings turning off the glutes and making them weak. This is also a cause of constant hamstring tightness and back pain but is also help keeping the pelvic floor in a constant tight stage. Tight doesn’t equal strong.