Low Testosterone Levels
So I’m only 22 years old, and I realized something was physically wrong with me a couple months ago, and got my T-levels checked. I was at a low 290. Doc put me on Andro pills for a month and my levels jumped to 550. But after 5 weeks off the pills, my T-Levels have dropped even lower to 250.
I’m going to see a Urologist next week to discuss this and my ED problems, but I was hoping for as much input from you guys as possible, since I have to sit here and worry for the next week. What could cause someone my age to have low T-levels? If they put me on Testosterone, will it kill my sperm? Will my balls shrink? What can i do with my diet??? I eat meat as much as possible. MY workouts are so quick and tiresome these days. Am I wasting my time PEing, if my T-levels are low? PLEASE HELP. This shit is depressing me and I have no sex drive even though i’m taking VigRx.
Thanks guys, any information at all is well received.