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Manscaping and Pearly Penile Papules.

Manscaping and Pearly Penile Papules.

So I know I’m not the only guy bothered by this and its not the biggest problem in the world but it is bad for my confidence.

So I have been blessed IMO with a 7x5 natural penis. It perfect size to start PE. An Inch or Inch and a half both ways would be my dream phallus.

But I can’t commit to PE, it feel pointless BEFORE I address my other issues.

So the problems.. Like a lot of mean I have excessive hair growth. I can’t stress how hairy I am at only 19. I think I got my first pubs at 8-9. Its not so much thick and dark but it’s everywhere. My feet, my biceps , my knuckles. And well I’ve consoled myself with the fact I can get Laser in a few years before its too far gone. But unfortunately this hair extends to my penis. And I don’t mean the base. I mean all the way up. At this point they’re just hair follicles but hair will grow and in a year or two I imagine I’ll resemble a dog. Well as you can guess this is quite a scary and unattractive thought. But.. That is not the full extent of my woes.

I also have Pearly Penile Papules. Which just make the whole thing a lot worse. So between the papules and the hair follicles I potentially have to explain 2 things to a woman before I sleep with her.

I need to know. Is there anyway to rid myself of these? Apart from surgery? Has anyone saw the gradual reduction of Pearly Penile Papules? Can you make hair follicles dormant or get rid of them all together?

I don’t know so I’m reaching out to the kindest and most knowledgeable group of men I know for help.

Sorry if there is a similar thread. I searched to no avail.

Thanks in advance.

Many people have hairs on the penis. Actually PE makes hairs grow on the shaft, not sure why this happens. Are you sure the problems you have are so big issues?

I’m aware many men have hair on the shaft. I mention this in my thread. I’m not making it put to be a huge problem. But its something that if I could fix would make me happier and more confident.

Its just makes my dick unattractive to me, I could only imagine what women would think.

Laser is the best way to get rid of hair. Your problem is much more common than you think, so have no shame going to have it treated. It’s just another day at work for them, even though its a major negative issue to you.

I too have PPP. It isn’t much of a bother to me. It has been commented on exactly twice. One person thought it was an std and didn’t want to have sex with me. I chalked that up to ignorance and didn’t let it bother me. I’m quite a whore so if its only been mentioned twice, the odds are you’re not going to have many women take it poorly. It’s more something that worries you. If you get treatment for it post now it goes. I’m not bothered much by mine but am a little curious about that.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

This sounds more painful than it is, but I’ve been plucking the hair on my shaft. Works great. It gets easier the more you do it.

I spend about .. 10 minutes a week total just cleaning it up with some tweezers. At the beginning it took longer, but now that I know what I’m doing and the pain isn’t hardly noticeable it doesn’t take very long and it looks great / neat.

I actually stopped tweezing for 3 weeks because I got lazy, and the hair grew back patchy meaning some of that hair is gone forever. I hope in the next year or two it will be completely gone.

One more note - get a good tweezer. Bad tweezer = pain and bad results.

Thanks for the reply. The STD things is a real worry for me, because I know this sounds terrible but I don’t think I know a women/girl who would not mention this to there friends or even worse use it to insult me if I pissed them off. For instance I know a girl who was verbally abused for having genital warts and ended up explaining to more people than she should have to that she has the female version of PPP. I’m not a soft person by any means and can take insults but if I could avoid them I would. I know its not gonna happen but I guess I was hoping someone had gotten rid of their PPP as an side effect of an exercise or something along that line.

Originally Posted by SKU
This sounds more painful than it is, but I’ve been plucking the hair on my shaft. Works great. It gets easier the more you do it.

I spend about .. 10 minutes a week total just cleaning it up with some tweezers. At the beginning it took longer, but now that I know what I’m doing and the pain isn’t hardly noticeable it doesn’t take very long and it looks great / neat.

I actually stopped tweezing for 3 weeks because I got lazy, and the hair grew back patchy meaning some of that hair is gone forever. I hope in the next year or two it will be completely gone.

One more note - get a good tweezer. Bad tweezer = pain and bad results.

Thanks alot this gives a me plan of action that will help me in the short and long term.

I wax mine as well as the balls, it certainly wakes you up doing it, as a bonus the PPP has reduced due to that and jelqing. :)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am


Has anybody out there had there PPP (Pearly Penile Papules) professionally removed?

I am thinking of using Wimpole Aesthetics in London a Dr Josh Berkowitz, has anybody on here used him?



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