May Have Penile Cancer; Please Help
I never thought I would ever get any STDs or Penile cancer OMG. But Warts are vary commen…. Penile Cancer vary uncommon. I just need to know if you guys have any type of tumor like growth I explain in the last highlighted paragraphes.
Guys im really scared if I have penile cancer they may have to cut a part of my penis off. I almost feel as if my penis head was to be partially cut off and look disgusting then I may even consider killing myself. Im trying to stay positive and not let this take over me hoping its something else.
Sorry to be talking like this but I have to get this out and off my chest because I cant tell anybody else.
A couple months ago I got a wart on my penis. Got worried about it, thought it was herpes but turns out it was just a wart. That put a stop to my sex life for a while. Anyway turns out genital warts and even herpes are very commen and treatable. So I took some Aldara cream which was supposed to be applied 3 times a week to the treatment area. It basically comes in sachets and one satchet is one use. The docter said you can use the sachet again if you dont finish it but its usually used every second day 3 times a week. I wasnt very consistant with the treatment and ofter applied it every day to try and speed things up. Smart me made it worse and it ended up causing a rash on the testicles. Ended up at the clinic, docter said no more Aldara cream for me and gave me some tablets. I took them and the rash left and wart went away nicely.
That takes two problems away but leaves one. A couple of months ago the very tip of the penis on the head just below the the pee hole was puffed out because of friction I thought and was certain about. I also thought it might be from masturbation. Anyway it kind of hung around and again I thought PE and masturbation and maybe sex made it puff out a bit (my heads at ease at this point, no problem here im thinking). ALong with my rash on my testicle which I thought was Tinia between the legs, and the and the smaller warts that were appearing, was what looked like an ulceration on the tip and it even bleed once. Along with the discontinuation of Aldara and the medications I took, that penile ulceration look went away and never bleed again. The docter thought it was from friction too and took a swab of it for testing but didnt think it was anything.
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So at this point I have a normal penis except at the tip under the pee hole (urethra I think its called) is like a small growth no bigger than 3mm. I think this varies with PE and masturbation? Its been there for months now and has cancer characteristics.
So my question is have you guys ever had this type of small tumor type growth?
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Im getting it looked at tomorrow and will be praying tonight, please spare a vary short prayer for my for forgiveness for what ever I have done in m past life. If my penis needs to be cut it could destroy my life esspecially at this stage that im not very stable and am back on the dope.
Thank you for listening