Thunder's Place

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Monosodium Glutamate and Premature Ejaculation

Monosodium Glutamate and Premature Ejaculation

According to my own personal experiment, monosodium glutamate turned out to promote (premature) ejaculation.
Well, here is a brief story.

About 1.5 years ago I started to stop eating meat as well as stop intentional ejaculation.
At any phase of this experiment wet dream occurred every 2 week or so. (It was every 1 week before cutting out meat.)

Well this is the curious part.
I celebrated my 1-year achievement a few months ago then set myself another target “Refrain from Monosodium Glutamate”
Here in Japan there are floods of Monosodium Glutamate out there and we tend to be forced to take in without our own will.
Anyway I decided to break the general rule.

As a result the interval of my wet dream drastically increased to 6 weeks or so.
Can you believe it?
At the same time I’ve felt better than it never should, much more than just being a vegetarian.

A few days ago I happened to be forced to eat out with my family and take in Monosodium Glutamate there.
In that night I experienced a wet dream.

I think that the exact same thing is true of white sugar or any kind of artificially extracted substances or artificially generated chemical additives.
Those artificial chemical additives make you loose control!
Yes, it’s a sort of conspiracy at least here in Japan, where pirates of the southern chinese exploit natives or kidnapped north-eastern Asians as a half-colony of U.S.A.

ATM... BPEL: 0.0mm EG: 0.0mm

Lost Penis!!! :helpme:

Last edited by a13n : 12-03-2007 at .

Originally Posted by a13n
Those artificial chemical additives make you loose control!
Yes, it’s a sort of conspiracy at least here in Japan, where pirates of the southern chinese exploit natives or kidnapped north-eastern Asians as a half-colony of U.S.A.



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