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More Intense Orgasm When Laying On My Back

More Intense Orgasm When Laying On My Back

Lately I’ve started masturbating while laying down and I’ve had some really intense orgasms. For as long as I can remember I’ve always finished either sitting, standing, or on top. Any ideas on why there’s such a difference? I’d love to figure out what it is so I could possibly get the same effect when I’m not laying down or on bottom. The only thing I can guess at is that maybe I’m getting some internal pressure on my prostate, which I’ve read intensifies orgasms, but I’d like to know what you guys think.

I was going to mention pressure on the prostate when first reading your post but you reached that conclusion. Another theory might be that your prostate has to pump harder to push the fluids upward, against gravity, as opposed to down/outwards. More forceful contractions equals more intense orgasm

Originally Posted by sleepy278
your prostate has to pump harder to push the fluids upward, against gravity, as opposed to down/outwards. More forceful contractions equals more intense orgasm

So I wonder if another type of force against ejaculation would cause the same stronger contractions. What about pressing a finger against the corpus spongiosum, to narrow the ureatha, during climax? I’ve never tried anything like that so I’m not sure if it’s safe.

Originally Posted by grower44
So I wonder if another type of force against ejaculation would cause the same stronger contractions. What about pressing a finger against the corpus spongiosum, to narrow the ureatha, during climax? I’ve never tried anything like that so I’m not sure if it’s safe.

There is an old trick where you press a finger against the perineum (the area between your scrotum and anus) during ejaculation that holds back the fluids. As soon as you let go the fluids dribble out. Another trick that I’ve heard of porn stars using is to slightly squeeze the base of the penis during climax. This constricts the urethra slightly and enables you to “shoot” further and with force. It’s like running water through a narrower hose.

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