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My balls are not dropping

My balls are not dropping

Ok so I have these balls that tend to want to go up near my stomach most of the time. I have done scrotum stretching and ball stretching for some time now, and I can tell my scrotum is stretching out but it hasnt solved my problem of my balls not dropping as well. Sometimes they drop and will hang for a while, but then they want to just hike back up there.

I have worn boxers all my life but that tends to not help as well. Is there any vitamins or other exercises that I am missing out on. I have a pretty nice cock so I would assume if I can get these balls to hang it will look larger?

BPEl: 8.25" Gl: 5.2" Goal: El: 9" Gl: 7 Some New pics/Starter Clamping Pics

Sometimes bending over a bit to observe them can cause the muscles to bring them up higher. The best time to observe them is in front of a mirror or something that is level with them so you do not have to arch over to see them. Not thinking about it helps too, right after a hot shower is when I monitor mine.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Keep them warm. Also how old are you; they tend to hang lower as you get older. You are already doing the usual exercises.

I have Damiana causes them to drop. With that said, I have used Damiana in combination with Horny Goat Weed 20 minutes before lifting wieght for that burst of energy. I have been using this combo for about a year now and I really can’t tell if my balls have become bigger or have dropped. Then again I really never noticed them before I started using the stuff. Do a search on Damiana and what the others say on it. I don’t get the Horny Goat Weed from firegoat either, I buy it at the health store.

Perhaps their just cold warm those boys up, snuggle with your girlfiend more.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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