Thunder's Place

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Need advice

Hello guys I’m new, I don’t do any PE but I decided to come here because you guys are kind of experts. I know this is the wrong forum I can’t post anywhere else since I’m new.

Well firstly I’m 26 years old and have some form of mild Ed because of some prostate problems that have since cleared up after 3 months, I visited my doctor for a check up to let him know I had weak erections he gave me a sample pack of Cialis. Ran blood test and everything checked out fine,I’m not sure if I should take it because of the side effects and I’m kind of too young, I don’t want to have the 4 hour boner or some other complications, but I have been having some erection problems lately.

Like I don’t have spontaneous erections anymore a lot of things that used to make me horny doesn’t anymore, I had a strong night wood but no morning maybe it disappeared when I wake. Now the night and morning wood has disappeared, but When I masturbated with my girlfriend via webcam the other day I had a pretty strong long lasting erection. It’s just I’m a bit worried I won’t perform well with my gf when she comes to visit me soon, I know anxiety kills erections and reading the stories on the net does too, I’m just not sure what’s wrong with me

Welcome to the forum man.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Welcome. PEing is not a requirement here.

Yup anxiety kills erections. So don’t be anxious.

How much do you masturbate? It’s a tough one if you don’t often have sex with your girlfriend, you might be tempted to masturbate to gain longevity in sex but it’s probably best to lay off masturbating if your erections are troublesome, to give yourself maximum chance. You’ll just have to think of baseball or check out some pictures of granny porn to lodge in your mind.

The fact that you have had a long lasting erection recently is probably a fairly good indication that everything is working as it should, so now all you have to do is calm your anxiety. One of the easiest ways of doing that is to not rush to penetration, give her your mouth and hands first all over her body to start with, then cunnilingus and wait until you feel you can’t wait any longer. If you find yourself getting to close too quickly, you can switch back from penetration to cunnilingus.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks for the welcome guys, it’s just I was hoping I didn’t have any physical problem but the doctor did blood tests and said my T was normal. I also tested my erection earlier today it was a bit weak still but lasted 30 seconds to 1 minute without stimulation. Just still unsure about going for the Cialis to get my confidence back

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