New Guy Alert.
Greetings all. I started out my quest over at the PE forum (Big Al’s free forum). Here is my story if any are interested.
I have had a PE problem my whole sexual life (pre-mature ejaculation). Approx 4 months ago I went to see my doctor about it subsequent to my wife having an affair :(
The good Doctor told me to try a fraction of the Prozac my wife was on, which I did and what do you know instead of lasting 10 or so pumps I could last about 2 minutes! What a fucking waste I thought and went back. The Doctor this time told me I could either jack off prior to having sex or try a method that involved squeezing the shit out of the trout right below the head. Both of these ideas along with the worthless drug Prozac really tanked my head. I started to search the internet for PE (Pre-mature ejaculation) and somehow stumbled onto the PE forum where I met DLD / RB / Pan and several other cool folks. At first I thought that PE was bull shit but being that it was free I started reading and concluded I should give it a try.. I really felt stupid while performing the first workout but after the 1st week was over I realized that these guys were on to something.
My ejaculation problem is getting better and I even made it once about 25 minutes before shooting which I can still hardly believe. It’s really odd that at times I dont last that much longer then I used to but other times I can go and go and go. If anyone knows of a good way to fight quick ejaculation please say so!
I started out with 8” NBP x 6.5” (middle shaft) and after three aggressive months I can now muster an 8.5 BPEL measurement with just under 8.25 ELNBP. I guess it’s safe to say I’m not a fast gainer by any means and if my very slow gains turn into a plateau then it will most surely be a long hard slog to my goal of 9” x 7” NBP. I thought I had hit 9” last week but realized I was cheating by pointing the trout down and straightening out the slight upward bend. I’m now measuring standing up with the trout straight out.
After 3 months I have noticed the following things from PE
A) Much harder erections, I mean alot.
B) My premature ejaculation problem is much better but still there.
C) My dick feels and looks bigger, especially with a cock ring.
I’m in this for the long haul and hope to cure my ejaculation problem mainly but will not scoff at any gains in size LOL.