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Opiates and PE


Opiates and PE

I have been using opioids for five years on and off. I was naive and started chewing norcos(10mg hydrocodone) when I was 18, and I graduated to oxycontin and methadone and sometimes a little heroin when I couldn’t find anything. I never injected, and I thank the lord for giving me the strength to not go down that road. Well, after a dozen attempts to quit cold turkey, I decided to get professional help and treat my disease the proper way with medication and life style changes. That was just a little backround info.

I take 8mg of Suboxone(buprenorphine) every day; it is the medicine that I was prescribed for my addiction to opioids. Alot of people think that addiction reflects on ones character and that if a person uses drugs they are a horrible person and have a moral failing, but I am a good person who has a disease that needs to be treated accordingly.
The medication I take for my illness is no different then a patient taking medicine for diabetes or high blood pressure.
Some of you may know that opiates lower testosterone levels in men, but Suboxone(buprenorphine) is different because it only partially stimulates the natural mu(morphine/natural painkillers/endorphins) receptors in the brain resulting in virtually no effect on the testosterone levels in men. So Suboxone does not effect my testosterone, and if it does, it is only effected slightly. So my my T levels are still in the normal/high range. I am 23, my testosterone levels are high to begin with. I also take some natural supplements to boost them as well.

Well, I am just curious if there is anyone on this forum that takes Suboxone or Subutex for replacement therapy and how it has effected their PE careers and their lives?

Also, if anyone takes methadone, I would like to read their experiences as well on how it has effected their lives and PE career?

Thank you.

Hey Mr. T, hope things go well for you.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Hey Mr. T, hope things go well for you.

Thanks iamaru, everything has been going great this past year.

Good luck Mr.T I myself was addicted to opiates. I took subutex for about 8 months never noticed any side effects from it though.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

Originally Posted by MAxxx
Good luck Mr.T I myself was addicted to opiates. I took subutex for about 8 months never noticed any side effects from it though.

Thanks for the response.

Hey bro. I have had a few friends walk the same path as you and they turned out just fine. You’ll be fine bro just try to go and stay cold turkey. There’s much more to life.

I found the number 1 thing that helps getting off of drugs is not hanging around your friends that do them. I know from experience that this is sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do, but just stay strong bro.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Hey bro. I have had a few friends walk the same path as you and they turned out just fine. You’ll be fine bro just try to go and stay cold turkey. There’s much more to life.

I found the number 1 thing that helps getting off of drugs is not hanging around your friends that do them. I know from experience that this is sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do, but just stay strong bro.

It has been a year since I used any illegal drugs or my drug of choice wich was OxyContin and I have replaced my drug using friends with non drug using friends and I agree it is the only way to stay clean. It is common sense if you ask me.

Cold turkey is not a good approach and it has a 2% success rate long term. I have quit for 13 months cold turkey without looking back and I still relapsed. Medication and a slow taper is better. Believe me, I don’t want to get into it but I am an expert on this shit. I will tell you that medication is needed to help the individual learn the new behaviors associated with sobriety to stay clean long term. Once the individual makes the changes then a slow taper is commenced and the medication is stopped. I do agree that medications like methadone are trading beer for vodka. But suboxone or subutex is different because it doesn’t cause euphoria; so the patient feels as he or she did before the drug misuse began.

Hey man. I used to work around drugs and the whole drug environment. My mother was addicted for alot of years so I have quite a bit of knowledge in the area. My best advice is to get a job that absolutely wears you out. Something that completely drains your energy everyday your at work. The kind where you come home and have to scrape up the energy to take a shower. The reason is the more energy you expend at work the less you’ll have to look for drugs and the less you’ll have to party on the weekends.

I was a heavy drinker when I got out of the service and the only way I could cope with my problems and my alcohol addiction was to work it out of me. I got a job as a brick mason. I was so tired after work that I didn’t have the energy to fight with my demons or pick up a bottle.

Go lay brick, man. It’s about one of the hardest jobs you can do and it will suck the urge to get high right out of you.

Good luck, partner.

Whoever said "your first impression is often the best one" is a damned fool.

Sorry about your plight.

Had a severe opiate (percocet) addiction for 10 yrs then went to heroin for three. Tried to kill my self a couple of times, wound up in mental hospital but got clean. Never went back. Got blessings or luck or a bit of both.

I always noticed that my wiener was always plumper and longer flaccid when I was using opiates. Vicodin or
Codeine apap. And also could hold off ejaculation for a long time.

Hang in there and keep at it.

Hey holycow, welcome to the party!

Plenty of kooky people in these forums, even if not all of them ever checked into the straight jacket hotel.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Just so everybody knows I am great today and the future has never been brighter. I am going back to school, this fall to get my doctrine in medicine.

I don’t misuse medication or narcotics and I am fine. The last time I misused a substance was one year ago. I also am working full time as a Realtor and a salesman for a thriving telecommunications company.

That’s good to hear Mr. T. Keep it up.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

Though I never got hooked on opiates for long periods of time, I have an addictive personality when it comes to these types of drugs. I usually do no less that 60 mg of hydrocodone or 90 mg of oxycodone in a day whenever I am at the misfortune of it’s availability.

I have found that these drugs deeply affect my life. Whenever I take them I become very short tempered, I don’t care about succeeding, I become very moody about the money I spend, and don’t give two craps about other people much less about the growth of my dick. I recall many friends that have seen me really strung out in this way, and have noted they have never seen me act that way as normally I’m a very kind and compassionate kind of guy. It’s bad when a drug can turn you against your best friends.

Though opiates can be very addictive, I am making an effort to avoid them, as I know my life starts spiraling downward whenever they seem to be around.

I have major respect for anyone that has experienced the pitfalls of an opiate addiction and what it is capable of. It is a very difficult thing to overcome, and I wish the best for all of you in your quests for abstinence.


Pre-PE: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG-------> Current Stats: 8" BPEL x 5.25" EG-------> Goal: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG - 7" BG

Doki-Doki LOLI POP CHAN! Sugoi Desu~~~

Well I used to take 1 to 2 full pills a day for a long time, and as you know if the average person with out hardcore opiate usage in their backgeround took only 1/8th of a pill would be fucked up for like 12 hours mabye even to the point of vomiting. Suboxone is some strong shit and you are the only person I have ever heard of taking it besides me or even mentioning the name for that matter haha… brings back memories… but back to your question of my PE progress being effected by my using suboxone, I don’t think it has effected it at all. I’m 99.9 % sure it didn’t, so there you go.

I’m not sure if opiates really affected my ability to PE, it most likely didn’t, but all I know is that I didn’t care about the size of my dick or anything for that matter. Motivation has always been very important for me when it comes to sticking with PE. And motivation is something I do not have with opiates.

Pre-PE: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG-------> Current Stats: 8" BPEL x 5.25" EG-------> Goal: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG - 7" BG

Doki-Doki LOLI POP CHAN! Sugoi Desu~~~


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