Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Orange Smegma

Orange Smegma

Normally my head cheese is a white color. I am concerned because the last few times I have cleaned under my foreskin I have had some orange colored smegma. Is this normal? I’ve been eating more red meat recently and it may have cause the discoloration. Just throwing that info there, not sure what it could be. I am not sexually active and avoid sex normally. The last time I was with a guy we jerked each other off but that was it.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by Naked Tomato
Normally my head cheese is a white color. I am concerned because the last few times I have cleaned under my foreskin I have had some orange colored smegma. Is this normal? I’ve been eating more red meat recently and it may have cause the discoloration. Just throwing that info there, not sure what it could be. I am not sexually active and avoid sex normally. The last time I was with a guy we jerked each other off but that was it.

That is strange. I’m not an expert on smegma or anything. Did you rub anything orange or red down there?

There’s a kind of bacteria that has a red color that might be the cause, though not the only possible microbe. … atia_marcescens

Do you have red film growing around the fixtures in your bathroom, washing machine, maybe in a humidifier? If so, you may want to scrub them out and disinfect them. I’d also rub some povidone iodine under the foreskin and around the penis after a shower.

It’s a pathogenic microbe, but it usually doesn’t cause problems in people with a healthy immune system. If you get signs of a urinary tract infection though you should see a doctor ASAP and mention the smegma.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Do you wash that area every time you bathe or do you believe in keeping it natural with no cleaning?

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I remember back in high school I had something similar but was in the middle of my scrotum where my sac connects. It might just he old hardened or dead head cheese.

Another thing to note is that it looks this color in certain lights. So I could be overthinking. This is why I never hookup, I always assume after I have an STI even though its never penetrative.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by gprent

Do you wash that area every time you bathe or do you believe in keeping it natural with no cleaning?

A little of both. I keep it clean but bot everyday, sometimea I forget. But I only use water and let it just wash over.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Wash yourself, it’s not normal.

I help men to solve their sexual dysfunctions and improve their sexual life without feeling useless.

Ayudo a hombres a resolver sus disfunciones sexuales y mejorar su vida sexual sin sentirse inútiles.

All good now. To be honest, I noticed in a specific light everything looks off. And now it’s a regular color, back to whitish yellow. I do think I had a small UTI, because I had a smell to. It may have been due to overdoing my PE sets to.

Anyway all good now. :) Later.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Haven’t had smegma since I was 4-5 years old.

There is no reason to ever have smegma if you shower daily and wash under your foreskin.

As the owners and operators of foreskins in a society that routinely mutilates penises because It associates the foreskin with bad smell and dick cheese, it is our responsibility to not perpetuate that ridiculous stereotype and follow proper hygiene.

I recommend Dove sensitive skin shower gel with “Nutrium” whatever that is. They make a fragrance free variety, and it moisturizes and cleans without drying up your sensitive glans skin. It is ph balanced too.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Thanks. But I have another issue to tend to. The smegma is the least of my worries right now. Thanks for you help though.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

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