Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



How would you describe a “mind blowing, strong orgasm” vs. a regular orgasm? It’s not fair that men can’t have crazy orgasms like females.

I don’t know how to compare a female orgasm to a male orgasm, but I do know the strength of my orgasms can vary a lot depending on a variety of variables.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

My orgasms depend on my mood, stress and length of the sex or masturbation. If I am very horny and masturbating for like an hour then I blow up pretty hard and enjoy it. When I am having sex with my girlfriend most of the time is very good too but sometimes less satisfying than masturbation.. Sometimes I shoot sometimes I just cum but it doesn’t jump out of my dick.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Originally Posted by Coy
It’s not fair that men can’t have .

Said who?

Stop buying into gynocentric vagina-worship. I’ve had orgasms and shot loads you will NOT see in porn, invest the same time in yourself you would invest in a vagina. Blow for the stars.

How about the fact that those crazy orgasms that women have might actually be faked? `:-)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by DomXZ
Said who?

Stop buying into gynocentric vagina-worship. I’ve had orgasms and shot loads you will NOT see in porn, invest the same time in yourself you would invest in a vagina. Blow for the stars.

I bet you haven’t cum half of what this guy just did.

Last edited by gprent : 05-23-2014 at .

That video is 100% fake. Had to break the direct link to it also.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Lol a horse probably couldn’t cum like that. Sorry about the link.

I’ve seen it and several of the other fakes.

I can put out a lot, it does take preparation. But imagine the covering the surface of both hands and some spare change. Extremely exhausting to do.

That’s impressive. I’d say my biggest load was slightly over 1 FL oz. I’ve never had it super white and thick though :/

This is how I describe my mind blowing orgasms.

Well to start, upon penetration I’m not that sensitive. It takes a fair amount of rapid deep thrusting to get me to start having sexual feelings in my penis. Once I get to that point I slow down and enjoy moving slowly in and out. Doing this keeps me near the point of no return. Playing with my nipples intensifies the pleasure I’m feeling and makes it spread more throughout my body. When I get close to the PONR I get a small contraction in the penis area and a surge of tingling energy pass through my body. When I get too near ejaculation I either stop thrusting or pull out altogether. After cooling off for a few moments I thrust hard, deep and fast again to get back to the PONR. It seems like there is an on off switch in my penis. It takes a lot of hard thrusting to turn the switch on but once on there is sudden intense pleasure that takes careful control in order to avoid ejaculation. I can maintain this high pleasure with slow thrusting, but if I pause or pull out for a moment the switch turns off again and I have to thrust hard for a bit to get the pleasure switch turned back on.

The combination of pleasure from my penis radiating through my body and the pleasure of nipple play which goes straight to my head, gives me sexual pleasure throughout my body which feels nearly as good as orgasm. I notice tingling in my head and chest as well as in my legs and feet. In this state I don’t want to stop and ejaculate. I have always thought that if orgasms didn’t end then I wouldn’t ever stop having sex. Well with how I am feeling at this point I just don’t want to stop.

At this point I often position myself so that the only part of me that is touching my wife is my penis. I do shallow thrusting so that only the head of my penis and just below it is moving in and out and no part of my pubic area or pelvis is touching her. This way I can focus solely on my penis since that is the only point of contact. The head of my penis is sensitive and brings more of a burning tingling sensation that is hard to describe. This feels good but does not rapidly move me toward ejaculation. The area of my penis just below the head is very sensitive and brings wonderful sensations. However it seems that to ejaculate I need a more deep thrusting. It seems that ejaculation is brought on more at the base of my penis. Therefore shallow thrusting gives a lot of intense pleasure without a lot of effort to avoid ejaculation. While doing this shallow thrusting I like to go in then hold still a moment then pull out in short bursts a little at a time then slowly go in and again pull out in a somewhat quick manner. Something about this pulling out motion stretches my shaft skin and gives a wonderful pleasure that nearly puts me over the top, but is controllable.

While not actually having orgasms I am feeling a pleasure almost as good. It’s like I’m on a drug which is giving me a high and putting me into an altered state of mind. I really do feel high and somewhat disconnected with reality, yet totally focused on what each part of me is feeling and what it is that is causing these feelings. This is a state of being that I have a hard time bringing myself to end. However the longer I go on the tighter I start feeling inside in the prostate area. When I decide to move on to ejaculation I switch from laying on my side to the missionary position. This position isn’t as tight on my penis so I can do a lot of thrusting before nearing the PONR. Once there I play with going past just a little bit and I feel orgasmic waves pass through my body. Generally whenever I am going near the PONR I have to squeeze slightly to prevent ejaculation and while this is happening I can feel semen oozing out of me. Sometimes when in the missionary position if there isn’t quite enough sensation to get me to the PONR I have my wife squeeze her vagina to increase the pleasure I feel. I also have her play with my nipples. Once I am near the PONR she can relax and I can maintain a high level of sensation until I decide to go over the edge. The energy builds in my penis and spreads out from there. Once I’ve gone over the edge I am hit with a sudden burst of pleasure which gives me a sensation of pressure and buzzing in my head. This sensation lasts for several seconds then the flood gates burst and I start gushing semen which while not as overpowering as the initial orgasmic burst is still very intense. At the beginning of ejaculation in addition to my prostate and ejaculatory muscles contracting my arm, leg and abdominal muscles rhythmically contract causing my whole body to give a thrusting motion while ejaculating. Basically I’m thrusting involuntarily while ejaculating which serves to heighten the pleasure I am feeling in my penis and body while ejaculating and also gives me a feeling of being out of control and lost in pleasure. I’m thinking this feels incredible and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Of course the whole orgasm/ejaculation is over in probably about fifteen seconds, but those are an incredible fifteen seconds.

I said that the longer I prolong intercourse the tighter I feel inside. Well sometimes the pressure or whatever inside builds to a point that when I ejaculate it almost hurts. It’s like my prostate, and whatever else, is contracting so hard that the semen can’t get out fast enough and is backing up inside me causing an aching sensation. It would be interesting to see how far I would be shooting if outside her body. Therefore when I start feeling too tight inside I decide it’s time to move on to orgasm so to avoid this discomfort upon ejaculation.

Usually when I’m done I feel totally spent with no energy left, and out of breath besides. It’s great to feel I have had probably the most sexual pleasure my body is capable of experiencing and to be exhausted from pleasure.

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