Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Orgasmic Contractions Poll

View Poll Results:

How many orgasmic contractions do you experience?

1 - 3


4 - 7


8 - 12


13 - 16


17 - 20


More than 20

Total Votes: 77. You may not vote on this poll

Orgasmic Contractions Poll

Since I semi-retired from PE, I’ve become interested in ways to increase the duration/intensity of orgasm. We have our good ones, and our stellar ones, and our so-so ones.

One element of a good or stellar one I’ve found is the number of prostatic contractions that occur, more being better. There are a lot of other contractions going on simultaneosly, but the prostatic ones are usually the most apparent to us.

Next time you have sex or masturbate, count your contractions and see how many you get. We’re not measuring cum volume here - doesn’t matter if you spurt or not, each contraction is still pleasurable.

Don’t overstate. Ideally we might be able to zero into something by looking into this.



Uhm, I can’t vote. I just get the “your membership might have been declined”. But I’ve been a member for over a month or something.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."


We’re checking into that for you.




I can see I’ll have to count next time. I have never done it. What will someone come up with next on a poll I wonder?


Next poll: Does wearing white underwear increase or decrease sexual satisfaction?

(Just pulling your chain, Ant. )

Actually, this one (depending on results) may lead to another, related poll. The subject has to do, abstrusely I know it appears, to some information WestLA and I are putting together on sexual function for the MSHF. We’ll try to make that learning fun.



Has there been a poll on who is multi-orgasmic?

I haven’t seen one.

But first, how about a little partipation here?? Could some more of you count your contractions - in the name of quasi-science?

Or is it that only 4 out of thousands of us had sex in the past couple of days?



Heh i get that membership deal to..

For the record i go 4-7 But when i do multiples, at 5-7 a pop and i can only give myself 3 that equals around 20

Sept 2 2002 Bpel 6.8 Eg 5.5 Sept 2 2003 Bpel 7.6 Eg 6.0 Yeah i know...5 years..updating soon i hate mesuring...

If you’re going for multiples, 20 = a lot of orgasmic time. But for purposes of this poll, state only the contractions for each orgasm. My reasons for asking for this info have nothing to do with becoming multiply orgasmic.

PS: Wow. Two more guys out of thousands has some kind of sex today.

Forgetting to count, the rest of you? Dog ate your homework again?



Avocet8 et al,

I guess I haven’t been paying recent attention to the number of contractions in my orgasms. I’ll have to find a little private time after work by myself or talk the wife into some evening activity and have a go. Then I can report back with an accurate accounting. I’ll be back later to vote and, of course, in a more relaxed state.


Umm… Yeah, I keep getting the whole “You do not have permission to access this page” speech. Cookies are enabled.

All I wanted to do was vote!! :cry:



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