Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I read this article:
http://www.herb … source=bullzeye
and I basically suffer from all those side effects. I noticed he also sells an herb…LoveLongerIII which supposedly helps to resolve any problems you may have. I was wondering what anyone here at Thunder’s thought of this. I am trying to stop this problem but its very difficult.


P.S. I also noticed I was on vacation for over a week and never masturbated and my testicles weren’t as sensitive.

Starting: Length 6.5inches

Girth 5.3inches

I wonder if you could tell me what you think “over-masturbation” is, to you.



Personally, I think over-masturbation occurs when one’s shoulders start to hurt more than they would after a hard day at the gym :)

Have you noticed any vision problems, (like blindness, for example), or hair growing on the palms of your hands?

"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Camaro - You probably need to read this.

avocet8: Well overmasturbation to me is when I masturbate more then 7 times a week. It’s gotten less and less as I’ve aged. I used to be able to do it like 5 times a day on the side of having sex as well with girlfriends so total amount of orgasm would be like 7 times a day sometimes…but that was when I was in my teens early 20’s. Now that I’m 28 I noticed 3 times a day is max for me maybe more but I try to fight it.

Kaiowas: My shoulder and my back do hurt but my neck I’ve noticed is also in pain lately.

rymdrattan: According to his survey I do masturbate too much.

westla90069: Westla, that was a really good post you made. I was actually just about to order the supplement I noted but I said I will wait a day or two to see what people here think about it. I still would like to know how to get my body back into its normalcy…whatever that is. I do feel excessively tired and suffer from lower back pain, stress, definately balding(started early in my life too, at 24), sometimes soft erections, definately groin/testicular pain(only if my girlfriend try’s to touch it or massage it).
I noted that the testicular pain got better once I stopped masturbating for over a week since I was on vacation…I also didn’t have any sex either.

So to sum it up I have sex on the side as well as masturbate more then 7 times a week. I personally feel like this is a problem since I spend at least 1 hour a day masturbating, more on the weekends as well as at least 1 hour for sex with my gf which only happens like 3-4 times a week.

Would you think this is normal for a guy?

Thanks for the replies.

One last thing about this website is that there are also other doctors, medical doctors, who post articles there as well such as this one:

Starting: Length 6.5inches

Girth 5.3inches

Originally Posted by camaroZ28
I still would like to know how to get my body back into its normalcy…whatever that is. I do feel excessively tired and suffer from lower back pain, stress, definately balding (started early in my life too, at 24), sometimes soft erections, definately groin/testicular pain (only if my girlfriend try’s to touch it or massage it).

Masturbation is normal. However, five to seven times a day does sound like a lot to me. I don’t buy Lin’s explanations regarding what happens during ejaculation, but I’ll admit that having seven orgasms a day might make one tired, perhaps give him back pain, and it might be related to the groin pain. The balding is not from masturbating.

If you’re committed to decreasing the number of ejaculations you have each day, you might see some resolution to the pain and tired feelings. The stress might actually be the reason you masturbate and not be caused by it. What’s your life like? School, work, relationships? Consider how other areas of your life might contribute to these problems before taking Lin’s word that they come from too much whacking off.

You’ve probably heard of minoxidil and propecia. If the balding is a concern you might want to talk to your physician about getting a prescription for propecia. There are several threads here at Thunder’s Place on the subject. Use the search button, top right of every page, to look for "propecia" and you’ll find most of them.

I noted that the testicular pain got better once I stopped masturbating for over a week since I was on vacation…I also didn’t have any sex either.

This might be related to an actual physical problem with your groin. A hernia, epididymitis, or a varicocele could be the real reason. Have you taken this complaint to your doctor?

One last thing about this website is that there are also other doctors, medical doctors, who post articles there as well such as this one:

A. No properly trained, practicing physician would ever say, "Masturbation and consequent orgasm depletes the brain and spinal fluids of acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin and the hormones such as hGH, DHEA, testosterone, thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), neurotransmitters that are responsible for human functioning and very important when it comes to sex. This deficiency melts the brain’s acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous functions and your endocrine functions." This is pure Lin bullshit.

B. Mitchell McNiff, MD is "the Medical Director of C.A.Z.T. Laboratories, a laboratory that specializes in Fertility Testing and Sperm Banking." Well, the only place this laboratory shows up on a Google search is on Lin’s web site. A countrywide search at shows no listing for this organization. A search for the man’s name produced no results either. I guess that’s a pretty limited search, but you’d think an expert such as McNiff would be easy to find.

C. I’d be very cautious about believing anything Lin says on any of his many web sites:,,,,,,,, etc.

Lin is full of it to be sure, the guy writes science fiction. But for some reason it reminds me of that other website, where alot of stuff that does add up is mixed in with complete bull


!No diseque sus testículos!

Westla, I’ll take your word on this subject as you seem to know what you’re talking about. So would once a day be ok for masturbating? My life is somewhat stressful with work, homelife, and my relationship. I think I will make an appointment with my doctor about the pains but I really hate going to the doctor as a lot of times they don’t know what they are talking about. I am also taking Finestaride which is a generic version of Propecia. The balding was definately stressing me out. I think I’ll just take a mutlivitamin everyday and the finestaride and hope for the best.

Thanks for your help.

Starting: Length 6.5inches

Girth 5.3inches

I think once a day isn’t going to hurt anyone. :) You can talk to your doctor about the stress, too. People tend to think doctors today don’t know much because the patient is rushed through the system and given a minimal amount of information. I work with medical students and I can assure you they are still getting good educations. It’s the insurance industry and HMOs that are screwing up the doctor/patient relationships today.

Be honest with your doc about your problems, talk about the balding, the stress, your pains and the frequent masturbation. The more he knows about you the easier it will be for him to help you.

If you’ve had a significant amount of hair loss already, the finasteride will not make it come back, but it will prevent further loss and will help recently lost hair to return.

Good luck.


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