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Paging ANYONE who's ever taken Pygeum

Paging ANYONE who's ever taken Pygeum

I know many have due to the effect it has for some on ejaculate volume. But I want to ask you a different question.

There is a drug on the market that is supposed to all male multiple orgasm because it suppresses the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that is released after ejaculation that brings about the refractory period, or the amount of time it takes before you can get it up again and become horny. Suppressing prolacting via the use of the drug supposedly allows one to keep going and going like an energizer bunny, having multiple ejaculatory orgasms while remaining hard. Sound great :)

I recently read where Pygeum is supposed to have the ability to suppress prolactin. I haven’t yet been able to find any doseage recommendations that will maximize this effect, but was curious if you noticed anything along these lines while you were taking pygeum.

Any input you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


It’s been awhile, maybe a year, since I did some reading and used pygeum so I’m fuzzy on the prolactin aspect, or even if there is one.

In my experience pygeum worked solely on activating the Cowper’s glands. The job of the Cowper’s is to produce pre-cum; their portion in the mix consitutes a very small percentage of total ejaculate volume. We’re talking a few drops normally which appear during the excitement phase, well before ejaculation usually happens - unless you have a major major quickie.

I have pretty active Cowper’s glands anyway. Pumping and certain PE manual excercises or long foreplay result in more than what the literature says is normal.

In the beginning few days, I took the supplemental dose the container recommended. Nothing seemed to change and I upped the dosage. After 8 - 10 days I was oozing more than I wanted to and at inappropriate times. Any even very mild sexual stimulation during the day started it going and I began to spot my slacks outside my underwear. I decided that was overkill and I stopped taking pygeum altogether. I’ve read since, btw, that pygeum does absoloutely nothing for some users. Obviously mileage varies.

During the time I was taking it I remember no change in my refractory period, for what that’s worth in your interest in this supplement.

The drug you reference, though, works in a very different way is my guess and like you, I’m very interested in hearing what others who try it experience.

If you know of a reliable source that documents a prolactin reduction element with pygeum use, I may reconsider trying it again. Easy multiple orgasms may be worth the trouser spotting. It would beat the process you and I went through to get there through Kegel work.




What exactly can cause stimulation of the Cowper’s glands? I don’t produce much precum at all.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


I don’t know the specifics of the mechanism but I’ll do some looking to find out.

If you don’t normally produce much pre-cum, you might want to give it a try for a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference. It may be that for men with very active Cowper’s, more stimulation just makes things too messy whereas guys who produce less might get an acceptable level of flow.

Related to this, pre-cum is highly alkaline, this in order to neutralize the acidic level within the urethra so that sperm passing through later are not damaged by contact with acid.

Without this “bath” provided by the Cowper’s, ejaculation can sometimes cause an uncomfortable stinging sensation as the very alkaline prostate fluid mixed with alkaline contents from the seminal vesicles suddenly hits an acidic environment. Pre-cum provides for a smooth and painless emission in additon to protecting sperm.




I would welcome any and all info you can find on it.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

So has anyone tried prolactin?

Pygeum has no effect on prolactin:

Urological and sexual evaluation of treatment of benign prostatic disease using Pygeum africanum at high doses
"Furthermore, dosage of serum levels of the hormones LH, FSH, Prolactin, 17 beta-Estradiol and Testosterone has been performed before and after therapy…We have not found significant differences between serum hormonal levels before and after therapy"
[Urological and sexual evaluation of treatment of benign prostatic disease using Pygeum africanum at high doses] - PubMed

Really late here in the game but the drug is called cabergoline. I have used it and it does decrease the refractory period but you can’t just keep going forever, you need some time before you could cum again. And probably not a third time unless you maybe wait for an hour or so.

Originally Posted by Bluegto
Really late here in the game but the drug is called cabergoline. I have used it and it does decrease the refractory period but you can’t just keep going forever, you need some time before you could cum again. And probably not a third time unless you maybe wait for an hour or so.

I am also taking cabergoline. It does decrease the refractory period and increase the intensity of orgasm, but I have never been able to have multiple orgasms on it as claimed.

I’ve recently gotten the hang of multiple ejaculations while staying hard. I found its not the ejaculation or even the orgasm that triggers the refractory period. It’s the contraction type orgasm that does it for me.

I.e. my multiples are like between dry orgasms and full contracting orgasms. The cum shoots out less explosively, it sort of squirts out near continuously with pulses in the flow.

A full contraction orgasm gives explosive rhythmic contractions that shoot the cum with force. After these a flush of hormones (including prolactin?) comes over me and the desire for sex quickly fades.

After a multiple I am usually even more horny than before. However, this can build up into a real urgency to ‘finish’ with a nice relaxing after glow. Multiples build horniness, contraction orgasms let it flow away.

I really wouldn’t want to take medication that prevented prolactin release. I like having control over it and would freak out if I couldn’t get that wind down after. Post sex cuddles can be as good as sex I think and this is thanks to the hormone rush you get after a contraction orgasm.

None of this is backed by Google research, it’s just my own experience and opinion but I hope it makes you consider the need for balance in your hormones.

My progress log and pics

Jan 2016: 8.0" BPEL 5.3" MEG

Feb 2020: 8.5" BPEL 5.4" MEG

Taking dopamine suppresses prolactin. This is a very good replacement if you don’t want to use caber. It will lower prolactin levels by about 60-75%. There is a very reputable bodybuilding supplement called prolactrone that works very well at lowering prolactin if you want to try it out. I’m not affiliated with them at all, just giving you a reputable source if you want to try it out. I have used it in place of caber and it works quite well.

Originally Posted by Wantmoregirth
I’ve recently gotten the hang of multiple ejaculations while staying hard. I found its not the ejaculation or even the orgasm that triggers the refractory period. It’s the contraction type orgasm that does it for me.

I.e. my multiples are like between dry orgasms and full contracting orgasms. The cum shoots out less explosively, it sort of squirts out near continuously with pulses in the flow.

A full contraction orgasm gives explosive rhythmic contractions that shoot the cum with force. After these a flush of hormones (including prolactin?) comes over me and the desire for sex quickly fades.

After a multiple I am usually even more horny than before. However, this can build up into a real urgency to ‘finish’ with a nice relaxing after glow. Multiples build horniness, contraction orgasms let it flow away.

I really wouldn’t want to take medication that prevented prolactin release. I like having control over it and would freak out if I couldn’t get that wind down after. Post sex cuddles can be as good as sex I think and this is thanks to the hormone rush you get after a contraction orgasm.

None of this is backed by Google research, it’s just my own experience and opinion but I hope it makes you consider the need for balance in your hormones.

Any more information on where or how you learned to do this would be greatly appreciated. As well, can I ask you how old you are? I’m pushing 60 so I wonder if the techniques would work for me.

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