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Pearly Penile Papules

Hmm I think Intactmale’s dick has gone to heaven. It’s just not right to use chemicals on the most valuable part of your body :-s . Besides I heard Iodine causes cancer. What do you choose: to live with these dots, be healthy (for as long as you really can) and maybe give more pleasure to some women OR in the best case desensitize your dick. They’re all over my shaft, I can’t count them there are too many.But never has a girl complained about them, some even thought it was special. But if it worked out, congrats to him!

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

You can use Tretinoin cream that makes it less noticeable.It’s Vitiamin A based .Hope it helps

I have them too, interested in how the experiment is going.. Been a while since Intactmale or Danman posted.. Wanna know if it worked!

I have them too, any news on this? :)

I read here ( )that toothpaste can make them go away. Gonna try it for a few weeks, see how it goes. Gonna update you on the progress

I’m on the third day of using the toothpaste on my PPP and I can say that they’re coming off! They really are. But my dick is very sore right now. Hurts like hell to apply the toothpaste. Got the doghnut thing going on, but I’m gonna keep at it for at least 2 weeks. Ill update when I’m done!

well crazy it has been a month with the use of tooth paste so tell us all lol how is it coming?

New2This sorry dude, I forgot that I had posted in this thread! Yeah it’s been 1 month and I am completely free of the PPP I had!! The toothpaste treatment really works. I’ve introduced it to another guy in the Scandinavian thread and he has had very good results too! So just go for it if you really want to get rid of them! One warning tho before you start.. It burns like hell on your dick but after a while you get used to it. What I do is I apply the toothpaste only on the effected areas and then I put some toilet paper around my dick. Then I sleep and wake up and wash it of in the morning. After only a few days you will see a big difference, trust me! Good luck!

I have also just started the toothpaste treatment, and I will report back with results.

Whoa!! Who's photoshopping my mirror!?

From the reading I’ve done it seems that uncut guys get them more often than cut. I’m considering getting cut (not for this reason) so I’m wondering if there’s a good chance the PPP’s will go away after the foreskin is gone. Or does it seem that once you have them, they don’t leave?

I too have the PPP and I really hate them. I thought they where genital warts for about 2 years >_<. I tryed to remove them using over the counter wart gel. this was very painfull and made some pretty big scabs on the head of my cock. DO NOT use this on your dick! Lucky for me it did not leave a scar. I was able to remove a few of them this way but like I said very painfull and left my dick scabed up for weeks.

I really want to get them removed with a laser. But at the moment I dont have the cash. The problem is hardly any one knows about this and if a girl sees them 9 times out of 10 she is going to think genital warts. Trying to convence a girl you met at a club that these bumps are not an STD when she goes to give you a blow job just plain sucks. Its a real mood killer let me tell you…

After 18 weeks of PE 8/12/06--->NBPEL 6.75 BPEL 7.25 EG 5.25

New Start 3/1/07-->NBPEL 6.5 BPEL 7.15 EG 5.0

Now 06/8/07------>NBPEL 6.85 BPEL 7.4 EG 5.5

What type/brand of toothpaste should I use? For those of you who have had success what toothpaste did you sue?

After 18 weeks of PE 8/12/06--->NBPEL 6.75 BPEL 7.25 EG 5.25

New Start 3/1/07-->NBPEL 6.5 BPEL 7.15 EG 5.0

Now 06/8/07------>NBPEL 6.85 BPEL 7.4 EG 5.5

From all I have read Wana B Big, Mcleans Ice Whitening is the one to use (Check web site under crazy82s post). I am going to see if I can get some tomorrow.

Pearly Penile Papules


My first post. How has everybody got on with using toothpaste to remove their Pearly Penile Papules?

Has anybodys PPP come back since they got rid of them?


Pearly Penile Papules


Has anybody out there had there PPP (Pearly Penile Papules) professionally removed?

I am thinking of using Wimpole Aesthetics in London a Dr Josh Berkowitz, has anybody on here used him?



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