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Penis turtles after going for a jog?


Penis turtles after going for a jog?

I’ve noticed that after my morning jog, I go to do half an hour of PE and my unit is even more turtled than usual. Is this normal!?

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

It’s because all of your blood was directed to your jogging exercise muscles and cardio system.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Two related questions….

First, does lifting weights also direct as much blood to the muscles as jogging? (I don’t seem to have as much of the turtle effect from lifting compared to jogging)

Second, would it be OK to wear a clamp (non erect) while jogging to help keep the blood in the penis? (assuming you’re an experienced clamper)

Originally Posted by bent_cock
I’ve noticed that after my morning jog, I go to do half an hour of PE and my unit is even more turtled than usual. Is this normal!?

Yes when I do high intensity training or Jiu-Jitsu the turtle is in full effect.

Current BPEL: 6.0”, MEG: 4.5” (6/2024)

Start BPEL: 6.0” MEG: 4.1" (2/2018)

Future BPEL: +1%, MEG: +1%

Originally Posted by Treefoil
Two related questions….

First, does lifting weights also direct as much blood to the muscles as jogging? (I don’t seem to have as much of the turtle effect from lifting compared to jogging)

Second, would it be OK to wear a clamp (non erect) while jogging to help keep the blood in the penis? (assuming you’re an experienced clamper)

Don’t interfere with the way your body is designed to work. Leave the clamp off while exercising.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

This is interesting, thanks chaps. Like Treefoil, I have noticed that jogging seems to cause the most turtling. Not sure the reasons. But I can verify, that after jogging, my unit looks like an acorn wrapped in foreskin (uncircumcised) rather than it’s usual 4 1/4” flaccid size.

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

gprent correctly stated the reason…

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Recently, I experimented going for a jog without any underwear on. I think the effect of having it swing freely reduced the turtling, although, it did feel somewhat cold! I was wondering if this could have an effect on anything like gains, etc.

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

I never wear underwear and have seen positive results.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I believe it’s also a natural reaction. If you lightly flick your unit over and over I’ll bet you it’ll turtle up a bit, when your running and it’s flapping around everywhere it may not care for all that too much.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

With hard exercise I seem to shrink up an inch or so flaccid for a while. So if typical is 6-7” I’ll sit around 5-6” for maybe 30 mins.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Originally Posted by Titleist
I never wear underwear and have seen positive results.

Originally Posted by bent_cock
Recently, I experimented going for a jog without any underwear on.

Are you guys wearing running shorts. Mine have a built in support strap almost like underwear or swimming shorts. I might try this once it warms up.

*️⃣ Now (6/1/20): 7.125” BPEL x 5.6875” MSEG

*️⃣ Start (10/31/19): 6” BPEL x 5.25” MSEG

Easy Peasy’s Quest to Swang an 8x6

I went for a jog on my rest week and afterwards, measured a turtled NBPEL length of just 3.5”! It was thin, as well!

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

Dude my dick does this as well its like I have poor circulation or nervousness Iv’e been focusing on taking vitamins combined with JP90 and that seemed to help a good bit.

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