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Peyronie's disease and swollen urethra caused by overdoing PE!!!!

Originally Posted by reynolds
She actually told me that hey I’m a great guy but she needs a dick from time to time so..

But is your corpus spongiosum/urethra or the underside of your dick really hard, pale white and does it hurt or ache? I mean it’s like corpus spongiosum/urethra won’t dilate fully.

Like it matters what she says.

Originally Posted by apple85

Like it matters what she says.

Correct ;)

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by avocet8
Are you seeing a real doctor??

Of course Peyronies is detectable, and well below a 90 degree bend. And it is nothing like cancer.

I suggest you see a urologist with experience in curves and bends and get some valid information.

Bloody hell reynolds,

What where you thinking of hanging guitar amps of off your unit and those intense pump sessions?

That’s just crazy.

Listen to what Avocet8 says, you def. need to see a good urologist, still try lots off hot wraps and massages
over a period of a few weeks.

You never know they may help.

Hope you get this sorted.

I’ve even seen the head of the department of urology over at Georgetown. I’m going to John’s Hopkins but I wont be surprised if they too wont know what to do. And their is no curve or bend to my penis. Peyronies can occur without a bend. There are no known definitive cures to pyroneis disease. Again though the urologists said its probably peyronies, but that came and went what really concerns me is the spongiosum/urethra. I know you’re right, who the hell cares what some broad thinks, I guess I’m really doing this for myself.

What might be some ways to soften either the urethra or spongiosum/urethra?

Last edited by reynolds : 07-24-2009 at .

Look just because their isn’t an easy answer doesn’t mean I’m going to give up, giving up is what would kill me.

Originally Posted by mansun2008
Bloody hell reynolds,

What where you thinking of hanging guitar amps of off your unit and those intense pump sessions?

That’s just crazy.

Listen to what Avocet8 says, you def. need to see a good urologist, still try lots off hot wraps and massages
over a period of a few weeks.

You never know they may help.

Hope you get this sorted.

Re-read what I have told you to do!!

Hot wraps and lots of them and massages.

I don’t think anyone else can help here if your urologist can’t help at present.

I would even consider buying an infra-red lamp and massaging my penis under it.

What else can you do at the moment. Give it a try.

massages??? How do I massage it???

Stories like these are why I’m becoming more and more concerned over the risk of doing PE.

Originally Posted by Gabe3733
Stories like these are why I’m becoming more and more concerned over the risk of doing PE.

Ok well that decision is entirely yours, but keep in mind that even the author of this topic recognizes that his problem occurred because of the insane routines and stress that he applied to his dick.

I suggest you to read more around the forum and you will find out that for every injury story, most of the time it was due to being careless, and that for every guy that writes a story like this, 20 or more in the forum report some sort of gain or improvement in their penis health.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

I agree with the others, go see a Urologist before it gets worse.

If the only doctor you have seen is a GP that is not good enough, you need to see the specialist.

Ive seen three urologists this is entirely my fault, I think PE is great dont get me wrong I’ll probably continue it just in a much smarter fashion. I just want help!

Originally Posted by reynolds
…I’m going to John’s Hopkins but I wont be surprised if they too wont know what to do. And their is no curve or bend to my penis. Peyronies can occur without a bend.

Wrong, kemosabe.

If you go to Brady Urological at JHU, you will get excellent treatment by some of the best uros in the country. And, Georgetown is no slouch institution in this area, either. My guess at this point is that we are being just a little mislead. First you have Peyronie’s, then you don’t?

Sorry, I am not following your description of what is going on, or not.



Reynolds, I am a psychologist down here in San Antonio. Avocet is correct, some of the best uros are at JHU. You definately need some help, both physically, and emotionally.

Ok dr.Angle from Georgetown says I have peyronies but I guess what I think is that he’s just oversimplifying the problem because he dosent know what to do about it, his answers was just sweat it out. I am currently seeing a sphyciatrist and he is prescribing me lexapro but it still dosent change my physical discomfort can anyone help me bounce some possible ideas about the particularities. Thank you very much for spending time to read this.

Try to massage your unit softly every day.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6


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