Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pimple on Penis and etc.


Pimple on Penis and etc.

Does anyone else also get a very pimple on the head of their penis sometimes after they have sex even when using a condom..

Also this may be a strange question but lets say your having sex with a condom to avoid possible infection and pregnancy of course.

So the outer part of the condom now has the fluids of the pussy of course.
Now say you put the condom on inside out where the outer is now inside your dick, can you get infected that way?

Why would you do that? I know they’re expensive, but…

Lets forget why I did that just did..

I’m just wondering if maybe this tiny pimple like thing on the head of my penis can be just something like irritation from the condom?

I’ve never got a pimple after using a condom. Of course, I don’t rub them around on somebody else’s body parts, turn them inside out, then put them over my glans.

Remembering your previous thread here, the pregnancy false alarm - I think you need very much to get yourself educated about STDs, sexually transmitted diseases (all of them), and about birth control before you ever dare attempt to have sex again.

Learn about syphillis, for example, which sometimes starts as a pimple on the glans (a symptom also of many totally innocuous condititons, too), and how to avoid getting syphillis in the first place.

Visit a Planned Parenthood office in your city. They will inform you about all the STD’s and about avoiding a pregnancy. Very nice people.



I agree with avocet8. In effect you had sex without a condom as you did the very thing a condom is supposed to prevent.

For your own peace of mind you will have to get advice, or go to an STD clinic otherwise it will gradually take over your thoughts whether you are infected or not.

So do it now!


Originally Posted by avocet8
I’ve never got a pimple after using a condom. Of course, I don’t rub them around on somebody else’s body parts, turn them inside out, then put them over my glans.

Remembering your previous thread here, the pregnancy false alarm - I think you need very much to get yourself educated about STDs, sexually transmitted diseases (all of them), and about birth control before you ever dare attempt to have sex again.

Learn about syphillis, for example, which sometimes starts as a pimple on the glans (a symptom also of many totally innocuous condititons, too), and how to avoid getting syphillis in the first place.

Visit a Planned Parenthood office in your city. They will inform you about all the STD’s and about avoiding a pregnancy. Very nice people.

Ok have you ever gotten a tiny pimple like thing on the head of your penis after sex?

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
Ok have you ever gotten a tiny pimple like thing on the head of your penis after sex?

Nope. I’ve never had an STD. I probably should have with my checkerboard sexual history, but I’ve always been careful.

Is it possible that your “pimple” is a blister caused by some kind of PE you do?



Originally Posted by avocet8
I’ve never got a pimple after using a condom. Of course, I don’t rub them around on somebody else’s body parts, turn them inside out, then put them over my glans.

Remembering your previous thread here, the pregnancy false alarm - I think you need very much to get yourself educated about STDs, sexually transmitted diseases (all of them), and about birth control before you ever dare attempt to have sex again.

Learn about syphillis, for example, which sometimes starts as a pimple on the glans (a symptom also of many totally innocuous condititons, too), and how to avoid getting syphillis in the first place.

Visit a Planned Parenthood office in your city. They will inform you about all the STD’s and about avoiding a pregnancy. Very nice people.

Ok have you ever gotten a pimple on the head of your penis from having sex wtih out a condom or from something else?


I just started PEing a little over a week ago. And ive noticed a small bump on the head of my penis. I think it might be a pimple from all the vasoline. I am married and have been with the same women for 8 years. So im pretty sure it isnt VD on my part.

You guys got any advice on something other than vasoline. I mean this stuff gets everywhere!


A pimple on the head of the penis could be indicitive of many different things, STD’s being one of them. However, I doubt seriously if that is what you have.


Consider this a warning, as you have been told before.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

deadeye - do a search (button at the top right of every page) for “best lube” and do include the quotes or the search engine will not search for “best”. You should get about a dozen posts to read.


The ‘pimple’ is possily a small clot of blood that has been trapped in the skin when jelqing. Again, possibly caused by too much pressure on the head. Stop shorter when jelqing should help to avoid it.

Vaseline can be removed more easily if you use liquid soap. Use it neat on the vaseline, then wash off with water. It’s best to use white vaseline if you can get it.

Originally Posted by petitfaun

The ‘pimple’ is possily a small clot of blood that has been trapped in the skin when jelqing. Again, possibly caused by too much pressure on the head. Stop shorter when jelqing should help to avoid it.

Vaseline can be removed more easily if you use liquid soap. Use it neat on the vaseline, then wash off with water. It’s best to use white vaseline if you can get it.

But I didnt get this from jelqing because I havent done it in over a month.

I got this ‘pimple’ on the head of the penis right after I had sex.
People would say it’s an std or something, but the thing is, the pimple occurred right after sex, I mean I don’t think an std or something would occur that quick, id say a minimum of 2 days rather than it occurring right away.

Therefore only thing I can think of from searching is that it can be from irritation from lubricant, which the condom was a lubricated condom..

Hopefully thats what it is.

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
But I didnt get this from jelqing because I havent done it in over a month.

I got this ‘pimple’ on the head of the penis right after I had sex.
People would say it’s an std or something, but the thing is, the pimple occurred right after sex, I mean I don’t think an std or something would occur that quick, id say a minimum of 2 days rather than it occurring right away.

Therefore only thing I can think of from searching is that it can be from irritation from lubricant, which the condom was a lubricated condom..

Hopefully thats what it is.

Sorry Bodybilda,

Your thread was hijacked by deadeye2000 and I mistook his heading to you as your post, hence the information to you was in reply to his post- Shows what happened when a post is highjacked.- I’ll be more careful in future.

Trouble is, you haven’t given much information about the pimple.

For example is it just a red pimple or has it got a white head. Is the skin around it inflamed. Does it itch or sting. Did you get a series of stings before it appeared, Has it ulcerated. Is it painful? You see what I mean If it is just a red rising as it were without a depression in the middle and just slightly sore and you can be sure of your partner, then there may be nothing to worry about but if it gives trouble, it might be better to seek advice.

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
But I didnt get this from jelqing because I havent done it in over a month.

I got this ‘pimple’ on the head of the penis right after I had sex.
People would say it’s an std or something, but the thing is, the pimple occurred right after sex, I mean I don’t think an std or something would occur that quick, id say a minimum of 2 days rather than it occurring right away.

Therefore only thing I can think of from searching is that it can be from irritation from lubricant, which the condom was a lubricated condom..

Hopefully thats what it is.

If you have not done PE in a month, then it is not from jelqing. I think you hit the nail on the head (no pun intended) that you were reacting to the condom. Easiest thing to do is switch brands. And you are correct in your statement that an STD will not show up that rapidly, it has to be an irritation from the lubricant in the condom.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


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