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Poop and ejaculation


Poop and ejaculation

Does anyone ever ejaculate when taking a crap? I have had this problem for a few months now. If I don’t cum for a week I am tend to ejaculate when going to the bathroom. It does not feel good in any way just like pee that I have to give an extra push to get out.

Can’t say this has ever happened to me. Sorry.

Pleased to say I have not had this problem. I had this girl take a dump on my hand when I was giving her the thumb from behind, like doggy style. She must have got too exited. Not a big dump but just a bit of crap, to freak me out. At first I did not realise what it was. Funnily afterwards we never spoke of it again.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Happens to a lot of guys from reports here and elsewhere. The pressure from the feces against the prostate and seminal vessicles causes it. Nothing to worry about.



Originally Posted by dieselpower

Pleased to say I have not had this problem. I had this girl take a dump on my hand when I was giving her the thumb from behind, like doggy style. She must have got too exited. Not a big dump but just a bit of crap, to freak me out. At first I did not realise what it was. Funnily afterwards we never spoke of it again.

Oh My God…

What? The? Fuck? ? Is this dude joking?? Can you shit and nut at the same time?

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

When you are going number 2, put a stool or box (anything) in front of the toilet and rest your feet on it so you look to be in a squatting position, this is how the body is intended to be when…well doing that. Try it and see if it solves your problem.

This can be really awkward at first if your used to the standard toilet but after awhile you will not be able to go any other way.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by jdcollins8
tend to ejaculate when going to the bathroom.

Better than if it happens the other way, don’t you think?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Its pretty uncommon but it does happen. Many psychologists actually believe that our first sexual pleasure comes from taking a crap as children. The feces actually puts pressure on the prostate, and the many nerves in the anus. To put it simple, the sensation is a weak version of what you would feel if you were to do anal play or sex. Anatomically speaking, men derive more sensation from anal stimulation than women.

You might be more sensitive to it than others. It doesn’t make you homosexual in any sense but maybe that pleasure is something you and your SO could look into and enjoy together.

That’s not normal, I suggest to see a homeopathic doctor ( that symptom is a character in homeopathy)

I am not finding any pleasure in this. I kinda think it is related to my high sex drive and waiting that long to ejaculate. This can even happen when taking a piss but it is less common I suspect because there is less force involved. There is no force behind the ejaculation either I have to push it out like you would push the last few drops of pee.

This happens to me too but not to the extent it does for you. If I have not ejaculated in a week or so and I happen to pass a stool which requires quite a lot of force to pass it then sometimes a few drops of seminal fluid can be forced out of my prostate at the same time. When this first started happening I was freaked out and thought there must be something wrong with me. I went to the docs and it is completely normal.

Does it also work the other way around? Do you take a poop when you cum in your girfriend/wife?

22 years. BPEL 7.4 inches. Girth: 6.3 inches. Goal: Becoming a tripod!

My other hobby and project:

Hey Mr. collins, glad that you went ahead and asked. Some guys take a while to figure out that increasing the size of their ding dong is only half of the magick that this place delivers. You can share and get seriously insightful advise on topics that you wouldn’t dare to breathe a word of anywhere else in the world. :inlove:

Originally Posted by bluray
When you are going number 2, put a stool or box (anything) in front of the toilet and rest your feet on it so you look to be in a squatting position, this is how the body is intended to be when…

Yepers! Something that bluray is touching on but that it wouldn’t hurt to really stress: Going poopsy should be a relaxing experience! I understand that things can get jammed up down their; but, ideally you shouldn’t need to “push!” Get positioned in your squat, relax your inner ass muscles, and that sh*t just pops on out!

Originally Posted by jdcollins8
Does anyone ever ejaculate when taking a crap? I have had this problem for a few months now. If I don’t cum for a week I am tend to ejaculate when going to the bathroom. It does not feel good in any way just like pee that I have to give an extra push to get out.

Originally Posted by kruz
requires quite a lot of force to pass it

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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