Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porn Detox Countdown

Day 4 as well. I get hard as hell when I see big booty chicks walking around work though. Feeling on edge but in a good way.

25 year old Caucasian-American (white dude!)

10/20/2011: -BPEL: 5.4 -EG: 5.75 -BPFL:3.2 -FG:3.8

And fail. Time to install k9 and block porn. Dammit.

25 year old Caucasian-American (white dude!)

10/20/2011: -BPEL: 5.4 -EG: 5.75 -BPFL:3.2 -FG:3.8

I guess, it is time for me too, to cut off the porn from my life. It has been with me for more than 15 years daily, influencing negatively on my social life. Since I have started PE again, I have been masturbating less, only edging, without cumming. I do not watch regular porn for some time already but the cam sites, and I will be really missing those cute young amateurs.

I’m in the same boat. I’ve gone two weeks. This morning I watched a video on dailymotion of a playboy playmate undressing. I am not going to do it again, but I’m also saying it doesn’t count. I don’t think that has the same impact on the brain as the hardcore stuff. Here’s to hoping my EQ gets better with this detox. Good luck buddy

The key to porn detox is to find a hobby or hobbies. In other words, keep your self busy, surround your self with friends.

Sept 2020 BPEL 16.5-17.5 cm, BPFLS 17.5-18 cm. Clamped x4+ BPEL 18-19 cm. Head girth 12.5 cm, MSG 16 cm, BG 16.5 to 18 cm

Goal is 21 cm BPEL, 20 cm EL, 15 cm head girth.

Two days no porn no masturbation for me, today was day off from pe, tomorrow ill touch my penis again ;)

Originally Posted by alex553
2 weeks! No porn, no masturbation, no orgasm. 2.5 months to go…

Almost 5 weeks of no PMO!! Still thinking about some unhealthy fantasies and I’m not always able to concentrate. I know this is natural and will always be somewhat of a problem, but I’m hoping I can control it better so that it’s not controlling my life.

Also, changed the goal to 4 months instead of 3, so have another 2 months and 3 weeks to go!

Starting stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Current stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Short-term goals NBPEL:7.25| MSEG: 5.65

A couple days ago I promised myself I would no longer masturbate. Some say do it once or twice.. But I can never stop once I do it once. I have a insane sex drive, ejaculating sometimes 8 - double digits amount of times in a day. What I found out is working so far is watching porn but not touching myself or masturbating. I have tried to quit and have lasted for 2 or 3 months and even forgot about porn. Until I ended up once seeing porn file on my computer. I thought I had deleted them all but there it was. I jerked furiously throughout the day for hours. What I’m doing is a sort of torture though right? I’m watching porn and my loins hut and I feel them aching.. But I promised myself I wouldn’t masturbate ever again. The visual is enough for me until I get my body in great shape and my penis size up. Then I will gladly never masturbate. I’ll trade it in for real sex Gotta keep strong! The real torture.. Is not seeing ejaculating scenes.. I try to bypass them on the videos as just now as the guy grunted and yelled while ejaculating I am not allowed. Must stay strong!

Day 2
I always keep my promises so I won’t masturbate again unless my sexual partners in the future want me to

I’m in on this. Been masturbating every day since I was 15 or so, sometimes multiple times a day.I’m 32 now so it has been a lot of touching myself. I know I missed out on pussy because of it. I’ve been trying to quit for almost 9 years now. I’ve even been to counseling for it. I hope a group thing may help.

Day 1, oops, Day 1, oops, Day 1, oops, Day 1, oops, .

I just want to say that I, since 4 days ago, have started on the 90 nofap challenge, or least stopping porn and masturbation indefinitely.

I recently had sex, and was shocked, I mean SHOCKED, that upon approaching orgasm, I had to force myself to think of scenes I’ve seen in a porno, and that I couldn’t reach orgasm with a real girl! I actually felt the porn more stimulating than reality. This was a huge wake-up call to the fact the porn has warped my mind and distorted my own sexual drive to only respond to the women and scenes in the pornos I watch. I’m 28 now, and have been watching porn since I was 15, so looking back on it, it’s so obvious.

I’m sickened by what porn has done to my brain and I’m never watching porn EVER again. Along with these lines of reasoning, I am also stopping masturbation, as when you masturbate you also conjure up fantasy images training your mind only to get turned on by these kinds of images and not real women. In the mere 5 days I’ve gone without masturbating and porn, I’ve already started to feel a difference. I feel “full”, especially my dick feels fat and full all the time and hangs lower flaccid. I feel more motivated to get out there and meet more girls, and my self confidence has improved.

I implore those reading this to consider the words here and written by others before watching another porn or masturbating.

I really need to start this as well. I’ve tried so many times but have not been able to permanently rid myself of porn and masturbation.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Try this:

Pretty cool little tracker. I set mine for 120 days. It’s been almost 2 weeks for me no PMO. 10% for me.

Starting stats 02/10/12 - BPEL 5.5" 13.97cm BPFSL 5.5" 13.97 cm BG 4.80" in 12.19cm

Currently: 9/30/13- BPEL 6.75-6.9" 17.5cm BPFSL 7.00" 17.78cm BG 5.1" 13.2 cm

Short term goal: 7 x 5" Long term goal: 8-9 x 5.5-6.0" "This is Chess not Checkers"

Four days so far. It’s been rough. I feel anxious allot and have had troubles sleeping, but I still have energy in the day so that is good. I can do the no porn and no masturbation, but since I am married I have to have sex. Can’t deprive the wife for 90 days lol. My dick sure likes the break though. I can’t wait till I can get fully erect by just my wife. Jelqing helped allot with my EQ, but I think this will do wonders.

Thanks google that counter should help me stay accountable. Going for 90 days here, the hopefully no more porn forever.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.


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