Thunder's Place

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Prolactin’s Impact on Refractory Period

Prolactin’s Impact on Refractory Period

New study suggests prolactin does not impact men’s refractory period, which is counter to current belief.

https://www.stu … tin-theory-men/

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Nice find 32.

I have anecdotal evidence of this as my prolactin had gotten very high due to GHRP6(peptide) usage. I took Cabergoline which definitely lowered my prolactin back down when my bloodwork was checked but did not have an effect on decreasing the refractory period. I was hoping to become multi orgasmic or at the very least be able to go more than a couple of times in a 24 hour period(my usual time frame), but alas no improvement. Back to the drawing board in this quest.

I have started taking high doses of powdered Maca to try and raise libido, increase loads, and decrease refractory time as it seems to have some correlation in studies to suggest this. If there is noticeable improvement, I will start a new thread with my findings.

08/23/2016: 6 1/4" BPEL 4 9/16" Mseg

02/27/2020: 7 3/16" BPEL 5 1/16" Mseg

02/09/2022: 7 1/2" BPEL 5 1/4" MSEG

Originally Posted by Artaggy
Nice find 32.
I have anecdotal evidence of this as my prolactin had gotten very high due to GHRP6(peptide) usage. I took Cabergoline which definitely lowered my prolactin back down when my bloodwork was checked but did not have an effect on decreasing the refractory period. I was hoping to become multi orgasmic or at the very least be able to go more than a couple of times in a 24 hour period(my usual time frame), but alas no improvement. Back to the drawing board in this quest.
I have started taking high doses of powdered Maca to try and raise libido, increase loads, and decrease refractory time as it seems to have some correlation in studies to suggest this. If there is noticeable improvement, I will start a new thread with my findings.

Have you looked into “The Multi-Orgasmic Male” and other such conditioning books? They all preach basically the same message of, “it’s possible to separate ejaculation and orgasm,” through whatever method they author is experienced with. The common theme is doing something like a Super Kegel before you blow and holding it tight all the way through your orgasm but I have not personally had success with this.

When I have been successful it has been from deep breathing and being focused on giving my partner pleasure. The desire is not, “to last longer,” or, “not to cum,” but instead, “to continue.” A few years ago, I went for a full two and a half hours of extended sex. I will never forget that load, it was truly awe-inspiring in both its volume and force.

In short, from my personal experience it’s more about your head-space than anything else; however, I would caution taking that as gospel. One man trials are *never* accurate.

Start (Jan 4, 2021) -- NBPEL — 5.0” -- BPEL — 6.125” -- EG — 5.0”

Andrew Huberman and probably all the youtubers covering this subject say that studies show prolactin is the reason for a longer refractory period, some men have higher levels than others after orgasm, vitamin b6 or b12 is recommended to counter it’s effect. I remember a friend of mine when he was in his early 20s was having lots of sex by drinking many redbulls, he said he was ejaculating more than 2 or 3 times in a session, he had multiple girlfriends and was probably doing this several times a week with and without rebull, but redbull does contain lots of vitamin b stuff, vitamin b6, b12 and riboflavine (vitamin b2), iirc.

Originally Posted by Fuyutsuki

When I have been successful it has been from deep breathing and being focused on giving my partner pleasure. The desire is not, “to last longer,” or, “not to cum,” but instead, “to continue.” A few years ago, I went for a full two and a half hours of extended sex. I will never forget that load, it was truly awe-inspiring in both its volume and force.

Some men don’t report dry orgasms, they just say they ejaculate many times/finish many times. Where I’m from it’s a common thing, people often say they came 5 times in a row with this or that super hot chick. I never did that though, I can’t even imagine how I would be capable of it. Hopefully, I can, after years of doing kegels and edging, who knows..

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