Prostatit How Dangerous is it ?
Hey everyone.
I am 21 years old and have some form of prostatit. The Doctors in my country told me that allot of guys have it and there really wasn’t anything you could do about it. It could not be seen by Urine tests. Now, I have started to have some erection problems, some times a little pain when I take a piss and sometimes it hurts (inside the leg) to the left of the dick. Note: It always hurts here if I gently pull my dick forward, like the stretching. I do not know what this place is called in english, but if you imagine your legs as a Upsidedown V, it’s right on the left side on the middle, right next to the dick…..(I think it’s called, the groin)
My pissing also has been generally bad for like 3 years now (I have to go allot, and the pressure sux) It sometimes also feels like it should come allot more urine that it does)
Now, I wonder. Is it dangerous to not do anything about this problem. I dont live in my homecountry right now so it is allot of trouble going to the doctor…I dont speak the language….
Here are my questions
1. Will theese problems be getting worse. I allready have gotten a less hard Erection and a hard time to get it up even when I am alone. I also almost never have a hard on in the mornings any more.
2. Is there anything you could do about this problem. I know that allot of doctors just say “there is nothing to be done” out of ignorance. I have heard that you could be cured.
3. When I did my urinetests they said that nothing was wrong, although I can feel that something ceartanly isn’t right. How to make them understand, and what tests can I take to “see whats wrong”
4. Should I do PE exercises if I ahve trouble with my prostate or should I wait untill I know a bit more exactly whats wrong ? If I can do the exercises, which one is the best one to get stronger erections?
Please help me…..I do not want to risk to be impotent !!!!!
Thank you allot in Advance !!!
/Worried 2 year old Guy